Lola calls

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You and Hawks made your way down the stairs and flopped down on the couch. "Jeez angel, I don't know about you but I am so exhausted." he said as he stretched his arms above his head.

"Same here. But we still have to make dinner." you pointed out.

"Let's just get takeout. I don't want to cook and you look like you don't have the energy to cook."

You pondered the thought and ended up agreeing to takeout. "Great. Since you made me lunch earlier today I'll choose dinner." he said as he rummaged through his pocket for his phone.

While Hawks placed an order for dinner you went upstairs to change into more comfortable clothing. You picked out a pair of shorts and an oversized shirt from your closet and got changed. You walked into your bathroom to brush your hair before putting it up into a bun.

As you looked at yourself in the mirror your eyes were drawn to your lips. You gently touched your fingers to them and remembered the kiss you shared with Hawks. Admittedly you had wished the kiss was just a bit longer. But you didn't want to go in head first if you weren't 100% sure of your feelings.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the familiar sound of your phone ringing. You walked into the bedroom and looked at the abuzz phone on the bed.

Lola 🥺♥️ is calling....

You picked up the phone and put it to your ear, "Hello?"

"HEY!" came an ear splitting shout.

You briefly moved the phone away from your ear and put her on speaker instead.

"I swear, you're louder than Hizashi is. Anyways why are you yelling?"

"Because, you said you would call me after your patrol with Hawks. That was a whole day ago." she said slightly annoyed.

"Oh. Sorry about that love. A lot happened and I forgot I was supposed to call you."

"Wow really? What could have happened that would make you forget to call your bestest friend in the whole entire world? Must be something huge."

"Ahaha....yeah I guess it's pretty huge."

"Okay so are you gonna spill? or am I gonna have to go over to that apartment of yours and tell Himiko and Nanaka you're hiding something from me?"

"Ahaha...about that...."


You had just finished explaining the events leading up till now to Lola and she was surprised to say the least.

"So you're telling me, in the span of about 24 hours, you got to meet your idol, have a kid with him, moved into his house, and gotten him to fall for you?"

You hummed in agreement and Lola fell silent on the other end.


"I'm sorry I'm just....I'm just a loss for words."

"Understandable. I'm having a hard time comprehending things too."

"The kid I'm still confused about but Hawks falling for you I understand. You're such an amazing person, only you would be able to get a pro-hero to fall for you."

You blushed at Lolas words and thanked her kindly. You heard a knock on your bedroom door and called out for the person on the other side to enter. Hawks poked his head in and noticed you were on the phone.

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