To UA we go

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You sat there frozen as your eyes focused on the child in front of you.

"Is he some baby that got lost and crawled over to us? He's gotta be at least 4 months old. Wait if he was someone else's kid how can he have my wings and Hawks eyes?"

Questions and thoughts swirled in your mind as you took in every detail of the baby.

His skin and eye color matched Hawks perfectly while his thin (H/c) hair and white wings matched yours.

"Those wings...those are my wings"

You rolled and stretched your shoulders back and produced your wings. The baby, having his attention caught by the radiant set, turned towards you and smiled. He put his hands on the ground and proceeded to kick his legs and move his arms in an attempt to get to you. Slowly you got up and moved towards him. He giggled and blew spit bubbles as you sat on your knees beside him. You brought your hands between his arms and gently picked him up, examining him closer.

Hawks POV

I watched silently as she moved towards the baby. His giggles were the only thing to be heard as she picked him up and examined him.

"Where did he come from? Why does he look like me? Why does he have her wings? Where's the guy we were chasing? Why does he look like me? Why does she look so good holding him? WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE ME?!"

All the questions swirled in my head as I struggled to grasp the situation. The child cooed and played with Seraphim's feathers as she observed him. She brought him to her chest and stood up. She walked towards me and beckoned for me to stand up. I obliged and slowly removed myself from the ground. "Can you hold him for a bit? I'm gonna call Aizawa. Maybe he can help us." she asked already moving the baby into my arms.

I took the baby and sat him in my arm, my free hand supporting his back as he looked at me. I started into his eyes that greatly resembled mine and didn't move. His eyes weren't focused on mine, but instead on my wings behind me. I plucked a soft feather from my back and held it in front of him. He smiled and giggled and quickly grabbed it to start playing with it.

A few minutes later Seraphim returned after calling the messy haired teacher. "He said he's at UA. We're close enough to campus so he said we could stop by." she said as she pocketed her cellphone. She extended her arms out towards the baby and I let her take him. He cooed and continued to play with my feather, unbeknownst to the change in carrier. I look down at Seraphim and the baby.

"She looks good with him in her arms...almost like he was made for her"

My thoughts began to fill with the imagines of Seraphim and the baby. Suddenly she looked up at me and I snapped out of my daze. "Let's go. If we fly we'll be there before sundown."

She didn't wait for my reply as she launched upwards and towards the UA campus. I followed suit and flew just a bit behind her, my eyes never leaving her form.

"The way her wings move and catch the's like i'm watching an angel"

Your POV

A few minutes later you touched down in front of the UA building. You walked in with Hawks following close and headed up towards the teachers lounge. You could hear the many teachers conversations as you approached the door. After knocking a few times a monotone voice said "come in."

Hawks slid the door open and allowed you to enter first with the baby, him following suit. You looked around the room and noticed a few other teachers besides Aizawa. The mentioned man was seated at his desk, or more of laid upon his desk, in his signature yellow sleeping bag. He didn't bother to open his eyes as you approached. "What's the problem? I was in the middle of a great nap" he said flatly.

You held the baby up to his face, waiting for him to open his eyes. The baby, in turn, took the feather he had been playing with the whole time and tickled Aizawa's nose. Aizawa's eyes snapped open and you watched as he jumped back slightly, having been startled once and startled again. You suppressed a laugh as you brought the baby back towards your chest.

Aizawa looked from the baby to you, then from you to Hawks, then from Hawks to the baby, and back to Hawks, then finally back to you. "I didn't even know you guys were involved... Congratulations I guess..?" he said scratching the back of his neck.

You rolled your eyes and looked away, hiding the pink tint from your cheeks as you processed Aizawa's insinuation. "We're not" you said firmly.

Hawks, who had been silently watching the exchange piped up and said "But I wouldn't have minded if we were." He grinned a lopsided grin and brought his hands together behind his head.

Your blushed deepened and you hid your face behind the baby's wings. Aizawa, sick of Hawks flirting, removed himself from his sleeping bag. He reached out towards the baby and you let him take him. Aizawa brought the baby to his face to inspect him closer. As soon as he met the babies eyes, he began to cry. Aizawa jumped back again and held the baby back to you.

"Make him stop make him stop make him stop." Aizawa repeatedly said.

You grabbed the baby again and once more held him in your arms. You rocked and bounced slightly and pat his back. Soon enough, he had stopped crying and resumed playing with Hawks feather. Hawks and Aizawa stared in awe as you quickly calmed him down. "Mind filling me in on the details?" Aizawa said looking towards Hawks, who had been admiring you this whole time.

Hawks eyes snapped to Aizawa once you turned your attention towards him. "I'm not sure of it myself" he started. "We we're doing patrols and talking when we heard a woman scream and saw her being dragged into an alleyway. Seraphim took off first and I followed after her. She moved through the alleyway on foot while I followed from above. She managed to get the man away from the woman and chased after him. I flew ahead and cut him off on a street. She followed soon after and we had him cornered. I thought this was gonna be an easy takedown but he had these weird yellow beams he shot from his hand. He grabbed her with it and threw her to the side. I quickly ran to her after deploying some feathers but he caught those and sent them back towards us. I used my wings as a shield and before we could regain our focus he caught us in his beam. We were smooshed chest to chest which, I quite enjoyed actually, but soon we both started screaming in pain." he spoke quickly, trying to cover up his admission to liking being squished up against you.

Aizawa eye rolled and crossed his arms, waiting for Hawks to finish the story. "It was a pain I've never felt before. It was like I was being ripped in half. Soon the guy released us from his beam and Serephim and I fell to the ground. I don't remember him getting away but what I can remember is trying to regain the feeling in my arms and hands. Oh, and I thought Seraphim had died but I checked her pulse and she was fine. I passed out on top of her and woke up when she cruelly knocking my head off her and I hit the ground. When we were able to look and move around again, that little guy was in front of us." Hawks finished the story as he pointed to the baby in your arms.

"Is there anything you want to add, Seraphim? Anything you remember different?" Aizawa asked turning his attention to you. You recalled the moment before you had passed out vividly. "I'm not sure...before I passed out the man walked over to us. I was afraid he was going to end us on the spot. But he didn't. All he said was "Enjoy this gift" or something. Then he turned and ran down an alleyway."

Aizawa nodded and remained silent. Some of the teachers who had been listening in began whispering among each other. "For now anyway," He said after a while. "You guys should go see Recovery Girl. Fix any damage done to your bodies."

He shoved you and Hawks out of the room and you both strolled down the hall towards the infirmary

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