Miruko's influences

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You followed Miruko as she scanned the various displays of undergarments. She wandered into the lingerie section and scanned some mannequins before stopping at one. "How about this one? I think you'd look amazing in this."

You looked at the display mannequin and immediately blushed. Miruko had picked out a sheer black babydoll with a lacy bra and a matching thong. "N-no. I c-could never wear s-s-something like that in front of him" you stuttered out in embarrassment.

Miruko looked at you amused. "Who said anything about wearing this for him?" she said with a sly smirk.

You realized she was right and that she never said anything about you wearing it for Hawks. You blushed harder and began to fumble with your fingers. She laughed and pat you on the back. "Oh c'mon. Lingerie doesn't have to be something you wear for someone. It can be just something for you. Just a thing to have in your drawer for when you want to take some power into your own hands." she said.

You eyed the babydoll and gave it a second thought.

"Well it is quite beautiful...and I've never bought anything like this before. How bad could it really be?"

"Okay...I'll buy it." you said hesitantly.

Miruko clapped her hands together excitedly and called over a shop assistant. She asked you for your measurements and sizes and disappeared into the back. While Miruko looked through the lingerie section you left the area to browse the perfumes and fragrances. You picked up a bottle and sprayed it's contents on a piece of test paper.

You brought it to your nose and a sweet cotten candy like scent filled your nostrils. You decided to buy a bottle of the perfume and took it to the register. The lady who went to the back to get you babydoll was waiting to ring you up. She wrapped the set up in tissue paper and added it to a bag with your perfume. she added excess tissue paper on top and set it down on the counter. She told you your final total and you handed her your card. After processing your payment she handed the card back and slid the bag over to you.

You thanked her as you took the bag and walked to Miruko who was waiting by the exit. "I can't believe I just bought this" you said as you looked down at the pink bag. "Don't worry, almost every girl in this mall right now has done the same thing." she said with a laugh.

She handed you your bags from the other store and you guys made your way to the food court where Hawks was apparently waiting. As you approached the open area you saw a swarm of girls surrounding someone. As you drew closer you realized it was Hawks. He was holding Ten in his arms while the girls gushed over him and the baby.

One of the girls asked for a picture and he enthusiastically obliged. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and smiled as she took the picture. You felt small twinge of jealousy when you saw him getting all close to some random girl. More girls asked for pictures and each time he would wrap his arms around them and pose. 

"Oh my gosh Hawks, he is literally like the cutest baby I've ever seen!" one overly zealous girl said as she poked at Tens cheek.

"Haha thanks. He gets all his looks from me." he said as he gave her a flirtatious smile.

"Can I get a picture with you two?"

"Of course you can."

The girl handed her phone to her friend and stood besides Hawks. She grabbed onto his arm and squeezed it against her chest as her friend snapped a photo, an action Hawks seemed to enjoy. The girls continued to fawn over Hawks and Ten as an overwhelming sense of rage bubbled within you.

You continued walking with Miruko and eventually moved pass Hawks and his gaggle of gushing girls, not bothering to call out to him. He noticed you pass by and quickly excused himself from the group and jogged to catch up with you. "Hey angel. Get anything good?" he asked as he looked down at your bags.

He noticed the familiar pink bag in your hand and a smirk slowly appeared on his face. "Oh. I see you got something real good. Mind showing it to me?" he crooned.

You flicked his forehead and pushed him away from you. "Whatever I have in here is none of your concern." you said as you sat at a table. You realized in that moment that the combination of being with Miruko and being jealous had given you a new attitude.

"Yeah you tell him (Y/n)" Miruko said as she high fived you.

"Well I see you guys are all buddy buddy now" Hawks said irritably to Miruko as they both took seats across you.

She crossed her arms and smiled triumphantly. "Of course we are. When I meet someone new I make sure by the end we're best friends. Right, (Y/n)?"

You nodded your head bashfully as Miruko addressed you as her friend. "Awe look at you being all cute." she said teasingly. "It was nice hanging out with another girl."

You nodded your head in agreement and flashed her a smile. "As much as I love to see the two most beautiful girls in my life getting all close, (Y/n) and I have to go back and finish setting up Tens room." Hawks said as he stood up.

He pulled you up and was beginning to drag you away when Miruko stopped him. "Wait (Y/n)! Let's exchange phone numbers before you go" she said as she removed her phone for her pocket.

You did the same and you guys switched devices. You input your name and number in her phone and handed it back to her and she did the same. You bid her farewell and followed Hawks to the car. You opened one of the back doors of the car and were surprised to see all the boxes inside the vehicle. Along with the boxes in the car was a fully installed car seat.

"Oh you already got the car seat in huh." you said as you examined it.

"Yeah. You and Miruko were taking so long I decided to just install this while I waited."

He strapped and buckled Ten into the contraption and took the bags from your hands. He placed them on the other side of the car and you both got into your seats. He pulled out of the parking lot and started the drive home. The drive was quiet, save for the occasional little noises Ten made from the back seats.

You couldn't stop thinking about Hawks and how he so easily let that girl get so close to him. You knew Hawks cared a lot about his public imagine but there are boundaries. And using a baby to gain more attention is just wrong.

Hawks noticing your irritation piped up from beside you. "Why the long face, angel? Everything okay?" he asked.

"Just peachy" you spat out, putting a little more emphasis on the last word.

You shifted the way you were sitting in the car and moved your knees from pointing to him, to pointing to the window. You turned your back to him and balanced your chin on your hand as you stared out the window.

"Why am I being this way? I'm acting like I did in high school. So what if he got close to a couple fans. It's not like he could say no. That would have hurt his public image. And it's not like I haven't done the same. Getting a little close to your fans when they ask for pictures is normal.

So again, why am I feeling this way? It's not like he and I are dating. I have no right to get jealous of how he is around other girls.  And It's not like I have feelings for him...right?"

From beside you a worried Hawks stared sadly at your back. He wanted so badly to ask you what was wrong, but he knew better than to force your words. He continued to send occasional glances in your directions for the rest of the way home.

Open Hearts |Hawks X Reader|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon