chapter:4 gundams debut

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A year has passed and I have summoned three Gundams. Akatsuki, denial, and dark hound.

Akatsuki was given 3 murasame and 5 m1 astray to lead. While dark hound led 1 g-xiphos, 2 g-exes jackedge and 5 shall doll rogue. Denial wanted to be alone so I didn't give some grunt suits. I used Akatsuki to fly in the clouds while the murasame were following behind me. I was about to get back until ewac contacted me. 

Master, someone is in trouble. Her name is amber "when he said I stopped mid-flight and hurriedly called him. 

Where is she? "I said and he gave me the coordinates when the murasames saw me they became to be serious. 

Follow me "I said as I zoom past the night sky. 

Sir yes sir "they all nodded and transformed into flight form and follow

I zoomed past the clouds. The murasames were handling the nevermores that followed and I saw ember pinned down by emerald and mercury and cinder. Walking towards her. I used the dragon and with my luck, they work in the atmosphere and when she touched embers shoulder I fired the dragoon

Surprising them and making mercury and emerald let go of amber. Who was tired and pale looking. I landed before her. 

Are you alright "I said to her. 

I'm okay just tired "she said. 

Don't worry I'll handle this "I said and look at the three

Who gave you the right to interrupt me "cinder said while looking at me. 

My name is mu la flaga. And I am a Gundam a sworn protector of the maidens and remnant "I said.

and you people are trying to take the maiden's power for your desires. I will not allow that "I said and my beam rifle pointed at the three

When I positioned myself I saw emerald walking towards me when I notice that she is using her semblance I wanted her to get closer so used the beam saber in my hand with only 10% knocking her back and depleting her aura. 

Impressive you knew that she was going to use her semblance and you saw it thru, I will forgive you if you switch sides "cinder said to me making me laugh. Giving mercury chill and making cinder and emerald face darker.

You know how to make a joke. I already told you we Gundams are the sworn guardians of the maidens and remnant. We don't side for Ozma or Salem" I said and fire all my guns

Ambers pov

I watch as the robot that came and save me stands in front of me. Saying that he is one of the guardians of the maidens and remnant. I watch in awe as I effortlessly knew that the girl with green hair used her semblance and easily destroyed her aura

I already told you that we Gundams are sworn guardians of the maidens and remnants. We don't side with Ozma or Salem "it said and fired all his guns and made the three dodge endlessly. When one of the beams hit the leading one's gloves it caught on fire and she thought it off. 

Damn you! do you know how expensive that glove is "she screamed in anger and the robot shrugged it

Don't know. Don't care "it said and when the three were going to charge again. Until two new people appeared. One has a scythe and the other has a chain and sickle. When the three saw that they retreated. And the two were about to follow. but the robot raised his arm.

although I know they are your enemies, you both should check the fallen maiden" he said as they walked toward amber as they sheathed their weapons.

Qrow pov

Guardian of Remnant(Gundam x RWBY crossover)(hiatus for now)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora