chapter: 18

575 18 3

As kai called ramba ral as he stopped every camera in the building and changed their direction away from him while not letting anyone have any suspicion. As he jumped away from beacon and transformed into his mobile suit form and flew off.

The scene changes as kai landed on ground not that close to vale as his body glowed as he transformed back in his human form with a black suit and coat as he walked toward the entrance as he walked in and turned a corner as he saw a person walking passed him as the person nodded to him as kai nodded back.

And walked toward a seemingly normal hallway as he saw a small crevice in the right wall as he picked out his black card, with a diamond in as put it in as light opened up as the small crevice as the wall opened up as he took the card and walked in as the wall behind him closed up.

As he saw many people working on the clock as, many amp suits were busy moving heavy objects to different sectors of the building, as he looked to his left and some of spec ops alpha members sorting their equipment, with the infantry soldiers, as he walked toward a VIP room as he natasha sitting on a sofa as sit on another sofa in front of her.

[I changed the beta companies name to spec ops alpha a/n]

Its been awhile" she said as I nodded and sip the tea on the table.

Yeah it's been awhile" I said as she smiled.

So nat, what going on when I was away" I said as she gave me a list of what happened as I was looking at list in the holographic screen as I was nodding at the pace of the organization.

What about alpha-8'' I asked as she smiled as the door opened as two spartan iii, ten spec ops and a company of soldiers, walked in and saluted me as I salute back.

Greeting commander" they said as half of the soldiers, 4 of the spec ops and both spartan iii are faunus themselves. As I nodded.

Ill be giving you a run down of our mission tomorrow at 6 pm, so all you are dismissed for now, meet me at that time tomorrow" I ordered as they nodded and walk to the exit and leaved as I bade natasha farewell as I walked toward a room for myself when I was here, and fell asleep.

Morning came as I turned off the alarm clock, as I took a shower and grabbed something to eat as I put on my commander uniform as I walk toward the command room, as I saw the group waiting for me as I nodded.

Today we will have our operation here" I said as I pointed toward the docks of shipment

I said as the scene begins as the female spartan iii was putting some cartridges in the magazine

Our spy has given us, information that a white fang sub group that was tasked in vale has gotten a new ally" natasha said as they sent through the pictures of the culprits.

A soldier gave his friend a spare magazine as he put it in and run the charging handle

The man you're looking at is adam Taurus" I said as a picture of adam popped in

A spec ops commando grabbed a pulse dagger, turn it on and off and sheathing it near his chest armor strap

The leader of the white fang group in vale, very dangerous, sadistic and vengeful man who has ordered many of the cruel white fang attacks in vale and its neighboring towns" I continued as pictures popped in at the cruel treatment of human and faunus prisoners, as some of the soldiers clenched their hands at the pictures.

The male spartan iii grabbed an electro staff as four spec ops commando grabbed their respective staff as the turn it on and off

We late found out that he is in an alliance with cinder fall, a person who took half of the fall maiden amber's power and is subordinate of salem" I said as natasha brought in her subordinates.

A female faunus commando check her side arm as she put it pack in her side

Her subordinates are emerald sustrai, mercury black, roman torchwick and cerulean" she stated.

The spartan iii grabbed their beam rifles and set the gun to weak so that they couldn't accidently kill them

But we found out, that two of her subordinates, roman and cerulean are not to keen of being with her" she stated again.

The group was busy putting on suppressor on their guns as the others were putting on their gear

But don't worry we got someone that will take care of them" she said with smile as the camera changed to a woman with pink and brown hair as she was walking down a corridor, as she turns around slightly and smiled.

A soldier was picking up some flash bangs and smoke bombs putting it on his belt

But right now, we will focus upon this operation" she said as we discussed of the operation as the listened quietly.

The female faunus touch her helmet and grabbed it as she looked at its visor, that shows her reflection put it on as it gently as it snugly hugged her head as armor pads covered her feline ears, as we got a first person look of the helmet as many displays open up, as they fade away as we see a clear view as she turn around and saw her team with his helmet on nod at her.

I will be the one to start the operation, all of you will know it when the time comes", I stated

As everyone has geared up as they walked in the command room with their gear ready

Although this will be an operation, but will not kill them on stun or incapacitate them" I ordered as they nodded.

So only use normal rounds, not the aup bullet, also use stun weapons like pulse daggers and electro staff' I said as they agreed and saluted as I nodded at them.

Then let's get this show in the road" I said as they nodded as they exited the premise, as I grabbed my gear as well and move toward my faunus team mate is.

This operation begins now" I said as the screen fades to black

To be continued

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