Chapter: 33

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As the citizens of the four kingdoms were doing their daily duties, something sparked a uproar.

As a video was sent to the broadcasting systems were made as the screen showed a first person view of a young journalist as she was explaining the scene they were watching.

As the technical officers stopped what they were doing to watch the video being transmitted.

As the video showed the journalists which was seen to be sitting on some kind of room, as she explained her findings using only rumors to search for a secretive private military which were said to defend settlements across the frontier.

As the broadcast was being said, in a small island near vale, a woman was busy tending her cloak as she watched the broadcast as her husband just got done cleaning the dishes as they both watched on.

As the journalist showed pictures of two large bullhead like aircrafts. As she showed soldiers in armor different to that of atlas and the weird equipments and vehicles they used.

"Although after i found out that they were not just some old rumors and gossips i kept to the shadows, writing down their movements and how they do their jobs"

"I was able to find out that they are quite incredibly organized and disciplined even more so than atlas's army - as i secretly took this pictures as they showed their mechs and tanks i was able to overhear that the majority of the soldier you see here are people who were born in this village"

As she said that James ironwood was quite intrigued at mechanical walkers of this PMC as he was just talking with his friend Pietro polendina as they watched the news.

"Intriguing isn't it general" pietro said as he was actually impressed at the amp suits as the general nodded his head with a hum.

"Although it was quite slow and peaceful journalism, until the Grimm attacked"

As she said that a video was shown as the point of view of the journalist was seen scrambling as her camera was put to hidden part of her clothes which was still recording as soldiers ordered her to move with group to safety.

As the video showed her running together with several civilians of different ages as soldier passed by them. As the the mechs now holding giant guns moved toward the Grimms as she turned around to see the strange vehicles arching their cannons and fired behind the walls.

As flares were shot in the air showing nevermores of different sizes being shot down by machine gun fire.

As the scenery was quiet only the sounds of shouting and gunfire was heard, as the journalist kept running. As they moved toward one of the giant gunships.

"Set up the hydras put some sandbags anything to block the small nevermores feathers"

A commanding officer was heard as the video showed soldiers setting up a large machine gun putting the ammo belt as they fired up shredding any grimm coming close to the civilians.

As she heard the pilots saying that their are to many people to move inside, seeing this the commanding officer told some of the civilians to take cover in the houses near the aircrafts as machine guns were seen above them.

As she turned around to see a soldier comforting his sister, as he looked at his family as they nodded as she recorded the soldiers run toward his comrades but stopped and dropped and roll out of the way of nevermore feathers.

As he run toward a large crate, as he jumped over a box and rolled away to dodge another barrage of feather, as he jumped inside as the sounds of a engine being turned on was heard as giant mech was seen exiting the crate with the soldier in its cockpit.

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