Kai's abilities and equipment (will be updated from time to time)

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Kai abilities and equipment.


Thunder burst: like the burning burst system of the build/try burning gundam, by using the plavsky particles to create the form of electricity to control and use.

Space manipulation: his ability to manipulate space stems from the turn a gundam, especially the dark history turns a's teleportation and ability to teleport their weapons. And with els quanta ability create anything allows kai to have infinite number of weapons and bullets, including vehicles.

Els assimilation and creation: the els are a race of hive-minded aliens that are in a symbiotic relationship with kai, as he is the one that commands them and they are the to create the things he needs, they can also move in their own free will if kai is in danger. The els ability to assimilate anything they touch and make their prey's power their own. And with his special manipulation able to create and bring the weapon to kai in an instant.

Els Shapeshifting: with the els kai is able to become anything that is alive, if he assimilates something from them from hair, skin or blood, although if use that method he won't know how to be them just look and sound like them. If he assimilates the who person he will know everything about them. He can also turn his body into anything that the els assimilate like swords or guns.


Dark snider: Kai's personal weapons, two sword/assault rifle weapon that can fire dust round and bullets. He also modified it to fire beams like the sinanju's beam rifle. And with some psycho frame in the middle and sides of the sword's guard. To allow it to fly when he uses his newtype powers.

Shield: a shield that was the same as the shield the Sinanju uses with the same ability to carry a grenade launcher or bazooka and two beam axes.

Rocket bazooka

Beam axe

M110 semi-automatic sniper

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