chapter: 19

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Longest chapter I  made right now A/N

In the morning sun and blake wearing in their seats drinking as blake speaks.

Finally, she speaks" he said as blake only roll her eyes

Sun, are you familiar with the white fang?" she questions as he nodded

Of course, I don't think there's a faunus who hasn't heard of them" he said

Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they" he continued

Bunch of freaks, if you ask me" he ended

I was once a member of the white fang" she said while sipping her drink, as sun promptly gone cross-eyed and choked in his drink

Wait a minute, you were a member of the white fang" he said in confusion

That's right, I was a member for most of my life, actually you could almost say I was born into it" she said

Flashback begins

Fallen are seen, plunged into the ground, sword, guns ad a number of combinations

Back then, things were different, in the ashes of war, the white fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between humans and faunus" she said

The dark outlines of two trios, animal-eared and tailed faunus on one side, regular humans on the other, are shaking hands and making peace after their struggle, this doesn't last long, as seen by a white faunus cowering in fear of the grey and black aggressors harassing the hybrid, later more faunus are pushing the crowd away from their bullied brethren.

Of course, despite being promised equality, the faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings, and so, the white fang rose up as a voice of our people, and I was there" she said

Silhouettes of faunus protesters are revealed, and emerging from the shadows is a young girl with dark hair and cat ears.

I was at the front of every boycott, I actually though we were making a difference, but I was just a youthful optimist" she said sadly

The child version was waving her flag as she stopped as an atlas police was walking towards her with a baton as she stepped back in fear.

Suddenly, our peaceful protest were replaced with organized attacks, when our former leader stepped down, as new one took his place with new ideas, we were setting fire to shops that refused to serve us, hijacking cargo from companies that used faunus labor, and the worst part they were working, we were treated like equals but not out of respect, but out of fear" she gritting her teeth

As the atlas police was about to hit child blake, the baton only hit someone standing in front of her as he blocked it with his left arm, as blake slowly open her eyes and were shocked at what happened before her as the man was standing for her cause and ideals

But despite that, one thing has never changed, it was them, despite leaving the white fang's side, they had always been there, a group of humans who fought alongside us the faunus for our rights as equals, humanity called a disgrace, faunus called them heroes, even as they stop the white fang, their faith in them never disappears" she said with a smile

The scene brightens up to see the figure clearly, with military clothing and an armored left hand with a shield, as behind the girl his comrades were standing in a circle protecting her from harm as the first figure pushed the officer to his back, as he breaks the baton in half.

You foolish brutes, is this what your elders taught you" he roared scaring the atlas police as the stepped back

Hitting a little girl just because she's different, seeing yourselves as superior, how can you see yourselves sleep at night as you were thinking that hitting a little girl would help you be better person' he continued clenching his fist turning the baton to a pile of destroyed parts

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