chapter: 20

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As the light of the shattered moon shine brightly in the night sky, a village in the outskirts of anima as the villagers are silently resting for tomorrow as night watchers scan the horizon for anything out of the ordinary, as some of the watch men yawned as he groggily rubbed his eyes, until he heard a noise.

He quickly looked around with his rifle out, as he saw a bush move was unable to hear someone sneaking towards him, as his mouth was grabbed and was slit in the neck by the figures knife silencing him, as the figure looked to his left as he saw a bandit looked at him and nodded as they shine their flashlights as the rest of the bandits attack.

Chaos ensued as the many villagers rushed to hide their families away or flee but they were being slaughtered and captured by the bandits, as the bandits laugh as a male bandit was about to rip the shirt of a female villager who screamed for help as the villagers watched in horror, but someone or something arrived at her plea.

As the bandit was about to rape the girl, he was shot in chest by a bullet destroying his aura as his body was thrown away from the girl who was shocked, and alerting the other bandits who looked where the shot appeared, as multiple strange aircraft flew towards them as a figure was standing on top of one.

As the bandit was about to rape the girl, he was shot in chest by a bullet destroying his aura as his body was thrown away from the girl who was shocked, and alerting the other bandits who looked where the shot appeared, as multiple strange aircra...

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As It fired its rail cannon again, killing another one as flares fired behind as the doors behind the pelican opened as soldiers and a squad of spec ops jumped down, as 5 DINN Ravens forms flew down killing the bandits as the soldiers free the vil...

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As It fired its rail cannon again, killing another one as flares fired behind as the doors behind the pelican opened as soldiers and a squad of spec ops jumped down, as 5 DINN Ravens forms flew down killing the bandits as the soldiers free the villagers and lead to safety as they fired their weapons holding off the bandits as the black rider, who was in his human form jumped off and attacked with his twin heat dagger easily piercing the bandits aura.

As It fired its rail cannon again, killing another one as flares fired behind as the doors behind the pelican opened as soldiers and a squad of spec ops jumped down, as 5 DINN Ravens forms flew down killing the bandits as the soldiers free the vil...

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As he cut down another bandit he stopped and threw one of his heat knives at a tree as a raven dodged the attack and transformed in to a human woman, as she grabbed her sword.

You knew I was watching you, you got excellent senses" she said as the celestial stayed silent and grabbed his rail cannon, as he made his stance

Tch if you didn't attack my tribe I would have asked you to join us" she said with a click of her tongue and charge sword in hand as she swung down, as he parried the blade and kicked down as she jumped to dodged but saw the celestial aiming his rail cannon as she quickly transform to bird mode to dodged the attack.

Wrrrrrrrrrrr BOOOMMMM!!!

The roar of the rail cannon shook the village as raven transform back as she covered her ears as they ring as the villagers were luckily away from them but the still heard the booming sound of the weapon as they instantly covered their ears from the roar of the weapon as ravens ears ring at being so close from the weapons roar.

As raven was placing her hands on her ears she looked before her and saw the celestial aiming his weapon at her as her eyes widened and became a bird again and flying high above, dodging the attack as an explosion lit the dark village with ab orange hue.

As she landed on an abandoned house as growled at the celestial, as her glowed with color as ice appeared as the celestial jumped back.

Be grateful you forced me to use my powers" she said as the celestial looked at her amused as chuckled alerting her.

What are you laughing at?" she said with a frown as the celestial looked at her and glowed as his body grew as his body towered over the buildings as he was looking down at raven.

Celestial" she said grimly

So, you do know us" he said finally

Must be from summer, who told you reZel" he said as charged as raven jumped away as the celestial destroyed the building she once landed. And gave chase as she fired her magic as the celestial dodge or took the hits straight on not damaging his armor.

Raven having enough of this gathered a large amount of mana and fired a giant lightning bolt to celestial, who was shown to be devoured by it. Raven landed and stared at the ruined village with a smile, but that smile was instantly gone as she kick from her left side through two buildings as she looked at the one who damaged her.

And saw the celestial turning visible in front of sitting down to her height, as he tilted his head in confusion.

Why abandon your own flesh and blood?" the celestial questioned her as raven scoffed at the celestial

Tch I left her with taiyang because of my wish to lead my tribe" she said as celestial looked at her seriously

Is that so, so how did you get the spring maiden?" he questioned again

I kill her because she was weak" she spat as the celestial, punch the ground near creating a quake and a large crater was formed

And you killed because she's was afraid!" he yelled but quickly chuckled.

How hypocritical" he said once more, as he blocked a rocket to his face, using his left hand as rave retreated as many of the tribe charge at the celestial as celestial slash those who charged against him. As he looked at raven and fired his stun anchor, and a line of electricity flew toward raven who screamed in pain, but was lucky as vernal slashed the line in half as they retreated.

You value the rules of the strong live and weak die, but you yourself are weak, you use the power of the maiden to hide your weak will to face a stronger opponent" he said as stomped at a barely alive bandit squishing him.

Hear my words, the daughter you left will be the one to defeat you, and destroy the rules you so strongly claim" the celestial said as the tribe retreated to woods as DINN ravens landed behind him as fires illuminated their shadows as they left the burning village to their allies. 

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