chapter: 16

654 16 2

As the task force who was given the mission to siege merlot's island were busy cleaning the battle field, as they were carrying the injured and the people used by the mad scientist experiment, to the general revil who landed on the island, as they were carrying their task they saw a door open up as figures were walking out.

Revealing to be kai and his group, as he was carrying merlot's greatest creation as some people carrying stretcher were running toward as they brought the stretcher forward as I lay the girl in the stretcher as they were seeing any injury or illness as they hurriedly brought her to the ships medical room.

As the medics were treating the wounded and mentally ill, I looked back at the place were battle begun, a place of cold truth of a mad man who played god, as I looked at it with a frown. As one of my subordinates came over.

Sir what will we do, with this place" she said as I was silent.

Rebuilt it, make it not a place of horror and despair but a place that protects and a new secret base if the time is right for the fall'' I said as she nodded as she was ordering the construction team, as two transport ships arrived with workers with normal tools, and with mech suits that are from the movie avatar.

The amp suit as they were carrying heavy cargo, as the workers were happily chatting as they were cleaning the battlefield as some amp suits were destroying the turrets for materials, as kai was looking at the workers and nodded as he walks toward the general revil, and toward the medical room.

As I saw many of the people who were used as test subjects or slaves, being treated he walks toward the private area of the room and saw the girl inside a glass tube being scan by an x-ray machine.

What did you fine?" I questioned one of the doctors as he looked at me and show the x-ray scan seeing a metallic thing in the back of the girl's neck bone under the nape.

This sir, we believe it's the device that controls the girl remotely" he said

Can you safely remove it" I questioned again?

Yes, but it requires some time" he answered truthfully

How long?" I said

1 weak at most, two day at least with our tools and machines" the doctor said as his other medical officers nodded, as I allowed them to remove the machine that was controlling the girl. As the medical team were preparing their tools and equipment as I walked out of the rooms, but was stopped when someone was calling me.

Hello?' I answered and heard the voice of my female subordinate.

Sir emma here" she said.

Why did you call me for?" I questioned

Sir one of the workers found someone in an air vent" she as I listened in confused as I was walking out of the ship.

She has the same characteristic as the girl you've brought and much younger'' she ended as my eyes widened as I sprinted toward the location that emma has said. And saw some workers trying coerce a little girl to come out and as they saw me, they bowed.

Sir" they called as I nodded and walked toward the hole were the girl as I kneeled in front of her

Don't worry little one we won't harm you' I said as I took off my helmet and place it in front of her, while putting down my weapons as I told the workers to move back a bit. As they moved back as I was trying to tell her it's okay.

As I was about to talk again, I heard a growl as I looked back at the workers as they looked at themselves and shook their heads no, as I looked and her another growl and figured that she was hungry.

Can one of you bring some food and water' I ordered as two workers ran to their ships to get some food and water as I waited silently, as they got back as I they gave me some sandwiches and bottles of water.

As I brought one of the sandwiches to her, as I heard mumbling and small pale hand was trying to reach out, as I gave her the sandwich as we heard quickly eating it, as we heard a hiccup as I opened the bottle of water and gave it to her, as she was drinking the water, with a satisfied burp she begun to slowly get out as we silently watch with catch breaths.

As she got out some gasped as I turn around and made a gesture to be silent as they nodded. As we saw the girl come out of her hiding hole, as just like what emma said she has the same characteristics as the girl that he faced against merlot.

More'' she said as I smiled and gave her some more sandwiches as I was looking at her clothes which were just a some piece of cloth and she has four steel chains from her limbs as I frowned and put my left hand towards her as plavsky particles generated around her making her stop, but feeling that she wasn't being hurt continued eating her food as the particles float around they flew towards the chains as I willed it they became anti-matter and gently consuming the chains as I carefully controlled the particles together.

Shocking the workers as they were in awe as I was gently destroying the chains around the girl as the silently talks with each other. As I was done, I was shocked when the little girl was in front of me.

Mister, I'm hungry'' she said as I silently gave one more as she took it and begun eating, as I told the workers to continue what they were doing, as they left the two of us alone, I called someone with my ear piece as I waited I generated some plavsky moonlight butterflies which are dangerous for her to play with as she was trying catch some of them, as one landed on her nose as she laughed as I gabbed my weapons and sent them to my room via teleportation ability of the dark history turn-a.

As I was waiting, I heard foot step and smiled as I saw natasha walking towards.

Sir what is it?" she questioned as I pointed toward the little girl to my left.

Can you find anyone to take care of her' I said as she looked at the girl and nodded as I smiled and called for the little girl.

Ah little girl'' I called as she stopped playing with the butterflies and walked behind me as she looked at natasha.

Don't she won't hurt you" I said but she shook her making natasha look like she was hit in the hearth by an arrow

I'm not a bad person' she frantically said, making the girl more scared as I tried to calm her down, as this scene moved on as she trying to get the little girl to like her, as I was telling her it was okay. She looked at me as I smiled warmly as she looked at natasha and walked forward.

Pretty sister'' she said as natasha was clutching her chest at the girl's cute interaction, as I looked at her blankly,

Sir can be the one, to take care of her!" she said as her hands were grabbing my shoulder as I was shocked as I nodded as she hugged me, as I looked at her blankly still processing the situation. As she brought the little girl and carried her to the ship, to clean her up.

By mister" she waving at me as I wave back still shocked.

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