💖💋 4 : Akaashi X reader

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It was a Sunday afternoon . You and Akaashi were stuck inside your house that the both of you shared since the two of you were together . Unfortunately , nobody could go outside because of the Coronavirus that was spreading rapidly everywhere . So both of you were quarantining inside . People were allowed out only for some essentials.

"Hmph " sighing in utter boredom you slumped down on the sofa . You placed your phone on the small coffee table resting in front of you .

"You look bored " A monotonous voice commented , causing you to open your eyes and look over.

Akaashi sat on a chair in the other side of living room with a phone in his hand just like you.

" No shit Sherlock ! Of course I am bored . Aren't you? " you huffed while sitting properly on the couch.

Akaashi nodded at you before placing his phone down on a small table next to him where a vase of your favourite flowers were gifted by him not too long ago .

" I'm bored as well Y/n " he muttered with a small sigh .

Nodding your head . You just stuffed your face into the pillow . Your action gave Akaashi an idea .

"Sweetheart, instead of cuddling the pillow why don't you cuddle with me ?" Keiji suggested .

Looking up, your lips curled into a small smile as you nodded , tossing the pillow aside before you beckoned him to come over .

"Why don't you come over here " he asked before you could do so . "Uhh why can't you ?" You groaned.

"Lazy bum"

"Pretty ass " you smirked at him . He gave up coz it's no use in arguing with you .

"And why don't you get up and come here ?" He changed the topic

Pouting, you mumbled " I can't either. Pleaasseeee?" You had your best puppy face in addition to your speciality : ' fake cry' .

" Aww baby..... Don't be sad . " Akaashi slowly got up from the chair heading towards you .

" You are so sweet and cute and precious " he complemented .


"How cute ."

He chuckled to himself and nuzzed his nose on yours in an adorable manner which made you squirm and laugh .

He giggled at you ( since you were the only person who could make him smile ) before picking you up in his strong arms .

A yelp of surprise left your lips as he carried you bridal style to another comfy couch and placed you on his lap .

He nuzzled his face into your neck and held you close , smiling to himself as he thought how lucky he was to have you in his life . Even you also had these thoughts all the time .

Sighing in content , you tangled your fingers into his soft black hair and combed it which caused him to look up at you .

Smiling down at him, you eventually detached your fingers from his hair before wrapping your arms around his back .

Keiji tightened his grip on you before falling back on the sofa which caused you to topple down with him .

He planted a soft kiss onto your nose which made you giggle and blush .

You did the same to him which caused him to become flustered. Only you could make him flustered and you loved it .

"Babee, you're chooo cutee" you cooed to your boyfriend as you poked his cheeks.

" I'm not . You are much cuter" he defended .

You embraced him tighter before pressing a gently kiss on his cheek . Then , you placed your head on his chest as he ran his hands through your beautiful h/c hair .

" I wish we could stay like this forever . I miss holding you in my arms. " He admitted which startled you a little .

Opening your eyes , you looked up at him and nodded your head whilst looking into his deep ocean-like eyes that layed before your e/c eyes.

A smile tugged at your lips before you placed your head on his chest one again. Keiji then placed his chin on your head .

A small sigh left your lips as you asked , " When do we ever get times like this? "

"Not often enough" he answered .

"Well , I like times like these , I like being with you , I like everything about you . Promise me you'll never leave me ." Was what you said before moving your head to look up at him once again .

" I promise " a smile pulled at his lips as he gazed lovingly into your eyes that sparkled in the light from the windows around the room .

" That's good , darling . When I'm not with you I feel empty and sad." You admitted honestly .

Both of you were staring at each other's lips , trying not to kiss but both of you gave in . The kiss was gentle in the beginning. It eventually turned into a passionate one with loads of love .

Both of you pulled away , devouring eachother's presence .

"It's the same for me . Don't worry " he assured you .

"How did I get so lucky ?" You mumbled, continuing to stare at him.

Your statement made his cheeks go scarlet as he looked away before saying " it's me who's the lucky one here."

You sighed " Both of us are " .

He leaned forward and kissed your forehead softly , " I Love you Y/n ".

Blushing , you chuckled and kissed his forehead before hugging him tightly , " I love you too Keiji"

For the majority of the day , two of you stayed in eachother arms enjoying each other's company . Sure , being in lockdown had its downfalls , but being with the person you loved the most was surely a good feeling .

Haikyuu Lemons & OneShots🍋😋🔥 (Haikyuu Boys X Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now