💔12 : Sugawara x reader

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"Bro stop staring and just go sit with her ." Asahi elbowed his grey-haired friend .

"Wha- don't kick me out man!" Suga whined , grabbing his lunch .

"Just go " Kiyoko mumbled .

Sugawara walked nervously over to the table where you were sitting . Only Tanaka and Nishinoya were there, Daichi and Yui were still getting food .

"Hey Y/n , can I sit with you today?" He scratched the back of his neck .

" Sure , Suga ! By the way, why aren't you sitting with Kiyoko and Asahi? "You asked .

"I just wanted to sit with you today " Sugawara smiled , sitting beside .

You returned his smile by smiling back, annoyed that he sat right beside you . " That's so sweet Suga , thank you" .

" Of course ! I love spending time with you ." He smiled as a slight red hue landed on his snow white cheeks .

"Daichi , Yui ! What took you people so long? God ! I've been waiting for you people since forever ." You laughed seeing those two finally walk over to the table with food .

Both of them blushed , and Yui replied " Sorry , we took a while to get here . We didn't realize that the line would be so long . "

All throughout the lunch, you seemed to be intent on talking with Daichi . It disappointed Suga a bit whenever you'd only reply with short answers or zoning out of the conversation .

" So, how'd it go ? " The beauty questioned him after lunch .

" Eh? She mostly talked to Daichi the whole time . She didn't care much for me being there " He sighed in disappointment .

" Maybe she was just too embarrassed to talk to her crush" Asahi comforted him through his optimistic nature .

" She probably just likes Daichi . Why would she ever like someone like me ? " His hopes fell down .

" Hey don't get yourself down like that ! Come on , you've got to get close to her . Show that you're better than Daichi !" Asahi tried to cheer him up which worked . Sugawara agreed happily but wasn't confident in himself anymore .


Nervously , you waited on the roof . You left a note where Daichi would see it after his volleyball practice . You hoped he read it . As he read it , he came to the roof to see you .

" Y/n , I got your note, what did you want to talk to me about ? "The Captain questioned. You haven't heard him open the door to the roof or even begin walking towards you.

"Oh , hi Daichi ! I uh wanted t-to talk about something really i-important " you sweat dropped as you were fiddling with your fingers .

"Yeah , continue . What is it ?" He asked . You thought on all your feelings , coming up with the few sentences you decided on earlier as you hoped he returned your feelings .

Your friend Noya actually convinced you to do this . He pushed you enough to admit your feelings , so you've finally decided to do so at the last minute.

" I really l-like you D-Daichi .......more than friends . I think you're such an amazing person . I just wanted to confess my feelings to you . I-I understand it if you don't feel the same about m-me . "

"Oh I'm really sorry , Y/n . I'm already in a relationship with Yui......" He continued talking but that's the most you heard before your heart shattered into a million peices.

Haikyuu Lemons & OneShots🍋😋🔥 (Haikyuu Boys X Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now