They All Asked for You

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"It's time to use our werewolf army. Finn and the woman who calls herself my sister, are in this city. The wolves can help us pinpoint their location."
Klaus tells Hayley and Jackson. They were busy discussing their next move on how to protect Hope and keep the city safe for her. With Finn, somehow, still alive and Freya on the loose, they have no way of assuring Hope's safety.

"No, we need all hands on deck here with Hope. Nik, you can compel humans to track your enemies."
Jackson disagrees and Klaus raised an eyebrow at Jackson's command. How dare he command him in his own home.
"Do my ears deceive me, or did you just give me an order in my own home?"
Klaus asked with a unamused and rather annoyed expression on his face.

"This ain't about your ego, Klaus. It's about what's best for that little girl!"

"How dare you question my intentions for my daughter!"

Hayley interrupts before the argument could escalate any further
"Klaus is right. Finn's body disappeared from the morgue, which means that either he's powerful enough to heal from that explosion, or Freya's powerful enough to save him. Either way, we're not finding them unless we send our best people out there."
Hayley explains to Jackson and whether Jackson likes it or not, she's right.

"But I'm sure you and all your merry men, will find them posthaste."
Klaus mocks with a smug smile
"Just to be clear, I'm giving this order because Hayley is asking. Don't think for one second i take orders from you."

Why can't they just get along. Things would be so much easier. But nothing is ever easy with the Mikaelsons.


"You haven't spoken a word for 30 minutes."
Marcel states checking the time on his watch and then another minute passes with a Rebekah pacing around in circles behind him.
"31. Fine. I'll answer for you. 'Thank you for rescuing me, Marcel. It's so good of you to still care, even though no one told you that i was back."
He says sarcasm oozing from him.

Of course he was upset that no one told him that Rebekah was back, regardless if it was in a different body. He thought that after all they've been through, she could at least be honest with him and not hide things like she did now.

"I asked them not to."
She tells him
"There she is. Why?"
He asks her. Why not just tell him? What harm would that have caused?
"It's complicated."

"You think?"

"How did you find me anyway?"
She asks him, trying to sway the conversation away from her reason for not letting him the truth
"I knew you were you, i knew you were up to something, so I followed you ok? And it's a good thing that i did. That market is bad news."
Marcel informs her, warning her to stay away from the market. The withes there already tried to kill her once in her knew body. Which means that the witches have something against the person who's body Rebekah currently inhabits.

"The treme witches are not friendly to outsiders. What were you doing there?"
He questions her and for a moment she's hesitant to answer his question
"I was looking for anything that could help boost my magic. I promised Kol that i would find a way to bring him back and I can't do that as an amateur hour witch."
She rants on. She feels frustrated. Nothing is going the way she wants it to.

"Ok. You need to be more careful."

"I can take care of myself."

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