Newbie Vamp

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Stefan was packing in some stuff for his and Elena's hunting trip. Tae and Damon thought it was a bad idea and they like to continuously remind him about that.

"You're making a big mistake."
Tae says as he leans against the bedroom wall watching Stefan pack his things away.
"No, I'm not."
Stefan fires back stubbornly.
"If I can get Elena used to animal blood right out the gate.."
Stefan says trailing off. Damon scoffs at his brother's stupidity
"You're reaching."
He says and Tae agrees.
"Maybe she'll be able to bypass al the things we went through."
Stefan states finishing his sentence.

Tae taunts his big brother.
"Maybe she actually has a shot at this."
Stefan fires back as he looks at his brothers annoyed by their constant unhelpful comments.
"Wrong. You're just wrong, Stefan."
Tae says with a smile as he looks at his brother.
"She won't be able to handle it if she hurts someone Tae and you know that. Her compassion is her Achilles heel and everything is magnified right now"
he says looking at his youngest sibling.

"Then you better hope she's not a fan of Bambi."
Tae says sarcastically.
"She needs human blood,Stefan, from the vein."
Tae urges on so that Stefan can just leave Elena to live a Normal vampire life. As if you could even live normally as a vampire.

"Oh come on. You know what happens. You name at least one vampire who didn't at least kill one person, when they were new."
Stefan says proving his point.
Damon walks toward Stefan.
"Name one who went on a bunny diet and didn't kill dozens."
He fires back at his brother.

Stefan starts to get angry.
"If she kills someone, she will crumble. How much pain do you think she can take before she shuts off her humanity switch?"
He asks still continuing their debate.
Tae scoffs
"It happens to the best of us at least once, but we get over it, Stefan. In a hundred years or so."
Tae says challenging his brother to argue with him some more just so he can prove his point in the end anyway.

Tae walks over to Stefan's packed back and starts pulling things out.
"She can't learn to control the bloodlust if she's never actually experienced the bloodlust."
Tae says shrugging his shoulders as he pulls more stuff out of Stefan's bag and puts them back in their original place.
Stefan realises that he's brother is unpacking his bag again.

Stefan advances towards his brother and tries to stop him from unpacking his bag but it just ends up with he two almost fighting until Elena walks into the room.
"Whoa. What's going on?"
She asks as she walks u to the room and Tae and Stefan step away from eachother.

"Their just having a little disagreement about process."
Damon says as he looks at Elena.
Elena sighs as she looks at her best friend.
"You're still not on board with the animal plan."
She says looking at him a little hurt that he doesn't believe that she's capable of getting through this without hurting anyone.

He answers, crossing his arms.
"I say rip off the proverbial Band-Aid and let it bleed."
Tae says as he watches Stefan put the things back into his bag.
He looks back up at her.
"You're a vampire Elena. Be a vampire. Drink from the vein. It's as easy as that, or...."
He stops and walks closer to her. He bites into his wrist.
"Just drink from me. That'll work too."
He says with a mischievous smile on his face as he holds out his wrist to her.

Damon smirks because he knows why he's trying to do. Feeding from another vampire if you're a vampire yourself is kinda... intimate. And it's mostly done between couples. Stefan growls and pushes his brother away from Elena.
"No. She's not drinking from you. Come on Elena."
He says as he pulls her by the arm and takes her out the room.

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