Beautiful Mistake

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Taehyung has never been so conflicted in his 100+ years of life. His emotions are all over the place, ever since he's admitted to himself that both Mikaelson brothers have managed to capture his heart. He doesn't know what to do with himself. He sure as hell can't go back to the compound. Seeing Nik or Elijah right now would just throw him off his game. He needs to gather his thoughts and focus.

He needed help but he didn't know who to call. He can't call Davina for help, because he's pretty sure that her reaction, when he tells her about his feelings for the original hybrid, will be anything but positive. Rebekah wasn't even an option. Cami possibly has feelings for ,Nik so going to her was never an option to begin with. The only option left was Marcel.

So that's where he went. He made his way out of the clearing and back into town. He spent quite a while in the clearing, staring off into space, trying to untangle all his thoughts and feelings. It was morning already. 4am to be precise. He made it to Marcel's loft in record time and with no invitation needed he invited himself inside.


Taehyung knew that Marcel wouldn't be awake at that time so he decided to make a mess of his kitchen instead. It would give him somthing to do with his hands while he waits for Marcel to wake up from his hibernation. So he cooked up a buffet of a breakfast and helped himself to some of Marcel's blood bags. All the noise he was making in the kitchen, woke Marcel up from his deep sleep. When he woke up his first instict was to kill the intruder in his house but when he entered the kitchen hoping to see who the intruder was, he came face to face with Taehyung. He was busy making batter for pancakes.

"Good morning Marcel. I made breakfast, help yourself."
He announced cheerfully once he noticed Marcel's arrival.

"Tae what-"
Marcel started but as soon as he saw the time his eyes widened
"It's like 5 in the morning! What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you about something."
Taehyung said gently placing down the mixing bowl on the counter

"Can't this wait until the sun comes up Tae, this is ridiculous!"

"No it can't. It's important."
Tae insisted.

"I don't have time for this right now. I'm going-"

"I have feelings for Klaus."



"I'm gonna need a drink."
Marcel proceeded to pour himself a tall glass of bourbon before he sat down on the couch and quickly gestured for Tae to the same.

Before Taehyung sat down, he grabbed the bottle of bourbon and took a big gulp of the brown liquid straight from the bottle. Once he decided it was enough he plopped himself down on the couch across from Marcel and told him everything. He told him about the two brother's fight. About them completely destroying the compound's common area. He told him about him stepping in to stop the fight, and proceeding to send Elijah away to his room like a child receiving punishment. Then about the conversation he had with Klaus, which led to them almost kissing. And then finally, his realization. That his heart now beats for, not one, but two Mikaelson brothers. One was already trouble enough, but two? Taehyung has quite the battle ahead of him.

"I don't know what to do. Don't get me wrong i still love Elijah, despite our fights and obvious relationship problems. But Nik he-"

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