Fire With Fire

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I listened to that song while writing the last part of the chapter. You don't have to listen to it but it helped me write that part. It doesn't change anything.

So uhm also before we start, i think the rest of you guys are gonna have to hide me from fantasticbaby004 after this chapter. Hehe... I'm gonna go hide.




"It's done. I'm delinked from those children. The covens are most grateful, and we even beat the rain."
Rebekah announces gleefully as she and Marcel,step into the office of the compound where Elijah, Freya and Tae were gathered together.

"I trust Davina will play her part."

"Yeah, against my better judgement."
Taehyung sighs draping his arms around Elijah's shoulders from behind. He's worried about Davina. After fighting so hard to keep her safe, here she is throwing herself into more danger. Becoming regent of all 9 covens in New Orleans, is not a task meant for someone as young as herself. But Davina is stubborn, much like her father. If she believes she's strong enough to lead 9 covens, then all he can do is be there for her as much as he can.

"Stop being so overprotective, Tae. If Davina is made regent to all 9 covens, she'll be granted the power to resurrect Kol and the political clout to connect the witches to our cause."
Rebekah tries to reassure him
"Don't pop the champagne just yet. Dahlia said she'd come for the baby and now a storm springs up out of nowhere."
Marcel warns her. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. They can't celebrate victory, if victory is not ensured.

"Regardless of her power, she needs to be dealt with. Fortunately, we have a weapon."
Elijah states holding Taehyung's hand as he looks at Freya.
"Look, no offense, but are we really gonna put all our eggs into one still kinda mysterious basket."
Marcel questions, looking at Freya with skeptical eyes.

"I assure you. I am quite motivated to aid in Dahlia's defeat,particularly now that Elijah has forced me to be the bait."
Freya remarks with a sarcastic smile thrown in Elijah's direction.
"And if we should fail, Davina, Taehyung and the witches will take up the task, at the very least distracting Dahlia long enough for Hope and Hayley to disappear.'
Elijah explains, then the sound of a cellphone ringing interrupts their discussion.

Taehyung moves away from Elijah to pick up his phone. After a quick exchange on the phone, Taehyung was left worried and anxious. They're gonna have to work allot faster now, to stop Dahlia.

"One of my friend's in quarter just told me that they spotted Nik roaming around."

Rebekah and Marcel rushed to go look at Klaus's coffin. Only to find it empty, with no Klaus in sight and the window left wide open. He escaped.

"Oh, no. Where the hell is he?!"


"What do you mean he's gone?"
Cami asks over the phone, alarmed by Klaus's sudden escape

"Exactly that. The coffin's empty, and he is nowhere to be found. If i had to guess, I'd say he's planning a long list of cruel and unusual punishments for his treacherous siblings. I don't even wanna think about what he's going to do to me."
Taehyung informs her, while he nervously paces up and down. He should have followed his instincts and just undaggered Klaus sooner. They'd have less things to worry about, if he did.

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