Reigning pain in New Orleans

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"Let us begin with a toast, to our shared gift, immortality."
Klaus speaks with a smile on his face as he faces the vampires gathered around the table in the dining room of the compound.

Yes he's back in the compound. His rightful home. Rebekah betrayed him, but who can blame her when all he's done was keep her from her happiness all these years. He was more then upset to say the least but at least Rebekah is not in an eternal slumber in a coffin with a dagger plunged into her chest.

Marcel pledged his allegiance to Klaus, however if he had a choice he would rather bury Klaus alive then surrender and that's exactly what he tried to do, but failed. He had his empire back. He was king once again. But a king is no king without the loyalty and trust of his people. And by  the looks of it... none of the vampires approve of their new leader.

"After a thousand years, one might expect life to be less keenly felt. For it's beauties and sorrows to diminish with time but as vampires we feel more deeply then humans could possibly imagine."
He said and on cue six waiters approached the table.

Each of them making a cut on their wrist and bleeding out into the bowls placed in front of each vampire.
"Insatiable need. Exquisite pain. Our victories and our defeats."
He says openly moving his stare towards Marcel.

"May the blood never cease to flow."
Klaus says as he raises his glass for a toast.
"And the party never end"
Marcel says finishing Klaus's sentence for him. Klaus turns to him and they both exchanged a smile.

"To New Orleans"
Diego says raising his glass and the rest of the vampires join in raising their glasses as they finish off the toast.
Meanwhile Hayley sits at the end of the table staring at all of them with a bored look on her face.

"I understand that some of you may have some questions regarding the recent change in leadership."
Klaus says as he sets his glass down.
"Oh yes. I have lots."
Tae says as he comes strolling in. Immediately Hayley's mood brightens and Diego has a small smile on his face.

Klaus stares at Taehyung with a annoyed expression on his face as he watches the Tribrid take the seat between Hayley and Diego.
"Am I late?"
Tae asks innocently. Diego can't help but the smile that appears on his face and Hayley lets out a little giggle.

"Yes. Now on to more important matters. I invited you all here tonight to insure you that you are not defeated. My intentions, moving forward, are to celebrate what we have, what Marcel, infact took and built into this..."
He says looking around the compound with a fond smile
"A true community of vampires."
Klaus says ending the sentence off with a proud smile.

"What about her? The wolf?"
Diego asks pointing at Hayley but before he could even blink his hand was smacked away.
"Don't point. It's rude"
Tae tells him with a scowl on his face, completely serious, while the rest of them stare at him with an amused smile.

"Had you let me finish Diego, you would know that there is of course one further matter I would like to address. As many of you know, the girl is carrying my child, consequently I trust you will all pay her the appropriate respect."
Klaus says demandingly as he stares down every single vampire around the dining table.

"And of course if you don't I will personally rip your head off"
Tae says with a smirk as his eyes fade into an icy blue color.
Hayley smiles at his overprotectiveness. She leans closer to him and places her hand over his,giving a light squeeze.
He turns to her and smiles softly as then he lifts her hand up kissing her knuckles.

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