City Beneath the Sea

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We define ourselves by our family. For birth, we share their names, entrust them to protect that which we hold most dear.

We value them above all others. And yet inevitably we are forced apart. Promises are made then left unkept.

Children in particular turn their backs on those who raised them, seeking lives of their own. The bond of family is not a bond forged by choice.

In fact, some would see family as a terrible burden.


Klaus woke up with a gasp and a twinge of pain lingering in his chest. For a moment he is confused by his surroundings but as he looks up he makes eye contact with Dahlia herself.

"And thus, Niklaus, you find yourself here with me."


She nods with a smile on her face. A smile that indicates her plan is falling into place. Klaus looked down at the hole in his shirt, covered with blood, a painful reminder of being stabbed by the brother he trusted most. He pushes himself up from the ground, supporting himself on the wall he was leaning against and takes a staggering step forward.

"What have you done to me? Where is my daughter?"
He asks her and when she doesn't answer, he speeds forward to attack her but before he could even blink she was already behind him.
"Get out of my head!"
He yells

"I'm not in your head. You're in mine, and seeing as you lie daggered by your own beloved brother, you have no choice but to listen. I have a proposition for you. Come along."
She tells him walking ahead of him. Klaus had no other options, so he had no choice but to quickly follow after her.

They walked for a few minutes till they came to the center of the village In Dahlia's mind.

"Spare me the agonizing boredom and explain what it is you want."
He commands but she raises a finger, quickly silencing him from making any further noise.


"I have no use for demented dreamscapes."

"Niklaus, listen."

She tells him and he does exactly that. Focusing his hearing, he hears men running into the village, vikings, attacking villagers left and right. Bodies dropping like flies. The pained screams of woman and children alike. While most of the men in the village fight against the vicious attacks of the vikings, the woman and children scatter around looking for a place to hide or run away to.

Then two young woman run past them hiding behind a wagon near by, shielding themselves from prying viking eyes.

"The vikings came while you were in the garden."
The blond woman whispers to the brunette beside her.
"I'm scared Dahlia."
She confesses to her sister.

"Don't be. I will protect us Esther, but come what may we must remain together always and forever. Promise?"

"I promise."
Esther promises her sister.

They both hold onto each other, humming a song to comfort one another. But their moment of peace didn't last long, as they were ripped away from each other by two viking men . They held both Dahlia and Esther in their custody and took them away.

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