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It has been said that all love begins and ends with she who gave us life. A thousand years ago my mother turned us into monsters, yet still she claimed to love her children, even as she vowed to destroy us.

The noble Elijah, tormented by long buried, shameful secrets.

Kol, the wily troublemaker. Out for no one but himself.

Finn, the devoted acolyte, his love all too easily warped by our mother's sick hate.

Fierce Rebekah, willing to risk everything on the chance that she might one day find happiness.

And me, the bastard child, my mother's greatest shame.

Now finally,we have defeated her, giving her the choice she never thought to give us, to live on as one of the monsters she created or suffer the slow agonizing death she so deserves.


"Now that we've entombed our mother, i intend to finish making the city safe for Hope. Which to start means dealing with the lingering problem of Finn."
Klaus said taking a seat on the couch opposite Cami.

"Oh. Once he figures out what you've done to your mother, he's gonna go off the deep end."
Cami mumbles in concern

"That's exactly why we need to keep you out of harms way. Hayley and i will return home and take care of my wayward brother. Elijah will remain here with you and Tae."
Klaus said making Cami look over at Elijah who's been staring out the window, waiting for Taehyung to return from his morning wolf run

"He's been experiencing some side effects since his ordeal as our mother's captive. Best he stay and convalesce."
He said laying back on the couch, as he observes his older brother.

"A single violent outburst at a filthy roadside cafe, and one never hears the end of it."
Elijah said with a sarcastic smile as he turns away form the window to join their conversation

"Well Cami has a way with minds plagued by demons, brother. You two can bond."
Klaus said with a smile
"Well if you excuse me, I best be on my way. Rebekah should have already  woken up in the body of Angelica Barker. Once she has cut the ties with Ms. Barker's former life, she'll make her way directly here. You should expect her shortly."
Klaus said with a final nod and then he was on his way out.


"Rebekah, it's me again. Please call."
Elijah said before he hung up his phone for the 5th time in the last thirty minutes. He been trying to reach her but she's not picking up. He's getting anxious and restless.

Cami exclaimed excitedly. She finally found what's he's been searching for the past ten minutes
"If there's one thing I've learned about you people, it's that there's always a bottle of booze around. You want one?"
She asked Elijah as she looks for glasses.

"Sounds delightful."
Elijah agreed
"And after that Camille, then what? We have another, then another, perhaps another after that, another after that. Before long, I find myself opening up to you or bearing my damaged soul, as it were?"
Elijah asked her with a knowing look. He knew what she was up to. Other people might be easily fooled but not him.

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