What would you do without me?

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Tae has been gone for months for months and everyone missed him dearly. There were many times where they wanted to call him and ask him for help but they decided against it and left him to live his life in peace.

Damon and Stefan drove Elena home and dropped her off after having an emotional conversation about choosing between the two brothers while she still had the youngest Salvatore on her mind.
Klaus is desiccated in a coffin and the Salvatore brothers drove off with his body on their way to drop his coffin in the Atlantic.

Elena walked into her house when she heard talking coming from the kitchen. She followed the voices and as she enters the kitchen she sees Caroline, Bonnie, Tyler, Matt and Jeremy.

"What are you guys doing here?"
She questions them as she smiles at them.
"Welcome to our victory party."
Caroline says excitedly with a smile.

"What victory?"
Elena asks confused.
"We failed, Alaric's still out there."
Elena says sadly.
"We know. But we've been trying to get rid of Klaus forever.And Caroline convinced us to enjoy it, for a night."
Bonnie says with a smile.

"Gotta say, I'm kinda pissed none of you let me help take down Original brother Number 2."
Matt says with a smirk as he throws his arm over Tyler's shoulder.
"Yeah, he would've taken you right down to the hospital."
Tyler says as he laughs at Matt
"Please, I'm more stealth than that. I'm like a ninja."
Matt says with confidence .

"You wish."
Jeremy says with a snicker.
Caroline walks over to elena with a tequila shot and hands it to her.
They all cheer and do a toast when they hear a knock on the door.

"That must be the pizza guy."
Jeremy says as he runs out of the kitchen towards the front door. When he opens the door he sees the pizza delivery guy standing on the porch.
(A/N: picture of what pizza delivery guy is wearing at the top. If you already know who it is then congratulations.)

Jeremy wants to hand the guy the money but he just shakes his hand and declines the cash. He asks Jeremy if he could use their bathroom and Jeremy not really thinking anything suspicious, he let's him in.

Jeremy walks to the kitchen with the box of pizza.
"Hey Jeremy, who's in the bathroom?"
Caroline asks him
"Oh,it's just the pizza delivery guy. He asked if he could use the bathroom."
Jeremy says casually.

Elena and Caroline looks at Jeremy with shocked expressions on their faces.
"Jeremy you can't just let strangers into the house, what if he's a vampire?!"
Elena asks outraged by her brothers stupidity.
"Yeah,exactly. And what if he's one of Klaus's minions, that would be even worse!!"
Caroline yells at Jeremy.

Suddenly someone speaks up from the kitchen doorway.
"It wounds me that you think that I'd ever be one of Klaus's bitches. I thought you knew better Care."
The mystery guy says.

"Who are you?"
Caroline asks.
The mystery takes off his ask and look at the entire gang in the kitchen.
"And here I thought you all missed me."
Tae says with a pout.

Everyone breaks out into big smiles and laughter as they see their old friend.
Elena runs into his arms. He warps her up into tight hug.
"My god, I missed you so much."
Tae says with a smile as he holds onto her.

They pull away from eachother as Tae wipes the tears away from Elena's face.
"Why are you crying?"
He asks her concerned.
"It's just...things have been really hard since you left. We've all been through allot these past couple of months."

He sighs sadly and looks up at the rest of the gang.
"I'm sorry that I left so unexpected,but...
Why didn't you guy call me when you were in trouble?"
Jeremy decides to speak up for everyone.
"We didn't wanna bother you. I mean you left for reason and calling you back would have been a little selfish"
Jeremy says with a sad smile.

"I get that but you guys have to remember that you guys are important to me too so next time just call me."
He says with a smile.
They all smile and agree. Tae pulls them into a group hug.
"What would you do without me?"
Tae aks them jokingly as he hugs them.
They all laugh and hug him tighter.


Alaric has outed the mayor and the sherif to the council so he can take control.

Damon and Stefan are driving Klaus's body out of Mystic Falls to drop his body in the Atlantic ocean.


Jeremy was busy painting his parents bedroom wall when he heard Elena coming up the stairs. She enters the room and walks closer to him.

Jeremy sighs
"Hey. Everyone gone?"
He asks as he puts down the paint brush.
She nods her head.
"It's just us. Tae said he'll swing by again tomorrow to check up on us but other than that everyone went home."
She answers back.
He smiles slightly thinking about the youngest Salvatore. He's like a big brother to him.

"I hate this room."
Jeremy says as he looks around the bedroom his parents once used to sleep in.
"Me too."
Elena says as she leans against the wall looking around remembering her parents that are no longer here.
Elena sighs
"Mom and dad were right."
Jeremy looks at her confused waiting for a further explanation
"Alaric should just kill all the vampires and put an end to all of this. But then that means that Caroline dies and Bonnie loses her mom,the mayor loses her son and I lose Stefan and Damon. And Tae can't be killed but then he loses the only family he has left and I don't wanna put him through that because he doesn't deserve it."

She walks closer to Jeremy so she's right infront of him.
"So if it makes me the bad guy for wanting to keep those people alive...
then fine,I'll be the bad guy."
Jeremy shakes his head dismissively
"You forget that Alaric never wanted any of this. Once he carries out his plans, what if he decides he doesn't wanna live anymore? And he kills his human connection to end his life. That means I would lose you."
He says sadly.

"I'm not gonna let that happen."
He says with determination.
Elena looks fondly at her younger brother. He's come so far since their parents died. He's become stronger, braver and she couldn't be more proud.
She smiles at him and he smiles back. He dusts of his hands.
"I'm gonna shower and get some sleep. Good night Elena."
He says and walks out if the room.

Elena looks around the room and decides to paint further.
As she goes to dip the paintbrush in more paint she gets a sharp pain in her head and she slightly stumbles back and collapsed on the the floor unconscious.
Blood starts to dripping from her nose as he lays on the ground.

The headache she had earlier might have been something more.



Thanks to the people who have voted and read my story. I really appreciate it. It is my first so pls don't hate although I wouldn't mind some constructive criticism.


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