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Once upon a time there was majestic King, who lived with his noble brother in a colorful kingdom where music and art were celebrated. The King did not foresee having a child, but he lived in an enchanted land, where all things were possible. In time he was blessed with a beautiful baby daughter, for whom he wished only peace and happiness.

Still the King had demons who pursued him. There was a ruthless beast who wanted to take the kingdom for her own. Armed with a pack of untamed creatures, she drove the other magical beings from the land. And there was a wicked sorcerous, with enchanted stones, that weakened the king on every full moon.

Seeing the shadow his enemies cast upon his home,the King was driven to send his beloved princess away, convincing all who remained that she was forever lost. The King, in his sorrow, turned away from the world. The castle closed it's doors and the kingdom fell.

Some say, that the only light in the castle illuminates the shadow of the once mighty King, in the room meant for his child. But as the ruthless beast took rule over the fallen King's throne, little did they know that he and his brother would not rest until their enemies were vanquished.

For they believed that one day, they would heal their kingdom and bring their princess home. So that she might live...

Happily Ever After.


It's been months. Klaus and Hayley are heartbroken. Yes they may not have lost their child to death but she's still gone. Hayley only got the chance to hold her once. She wants her daughter back. They've been doing everything in their power to make everyone believe that they're child perished.

Meanwhile Taehyung has formed a beautiful bond with Hope. Since they are the only tribrids in history to ever exist, their bond is special. He does not let her out of his sight. Rebekah has a hard time getting Taehyung to put Hope down. Sometimes he'd even growl at her when she tried to take Hope away from him, though he does apologize immediately for his 'grumpy' behavior.

Hope is always at peace when she's in the presence of her fellow tribrid. She's an easy baby to take care of. Rebekah and Taehyung have enjoyed spoiling her rotten. Although Taehyung was quite upset when Hope threw the Gucci charm bracelet he got her back in his face. It's Gucci for heavens sake. Only the best brand to exist on this very earth.

Rebekah tried to get Hope something from Prada once and Taehyung put a boundary spell around the house, effectively locking Rebekah out of the house until she admitted that she was wrong and that they were, and I quote, 'A Gucci household, periodt.'

It took a while but Rebekah finally surrendered and Taehyung rubbed it her face for weeks. Hope only giggled at their bickering.

Klaus would call Taehyung every once in a while to check in on Hope. The stories Taehyung would tell him of his baby girl would always make him smile. He missed her but he knew she was safer with his sister and the tribrid.

He just needs her to be safe and then he would let his baby girl return home.


"Elijah Mikaelson to what do i owe the pleasure? You rarely ever call me, it's mostly just Nik and Hayley."
Taehyung asked as soon as he picked up is phone. He was surprised when he saw Elijah's name pop up on his phone.

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