Smoky Mountains

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The next morning Tae's in Damon's room taking all the papers off of Damon's closet door because Damon was out on a call with the Sherif.
As he's ripping down off the papers he hears Elena walking towards him.

"You just can't stay away can you?"
He questions her, annoyed by her presence at the moment.

She walks up next to him
"You've been dodging my calls."
She says with a sigh.
He keeps ripping off papers, ignoring her completely.
"And with good reason too. I don't wanna talk to you right now Elena. I'm already worried about what Stefan's gonna do next because apparently he thought it was a great idea to go after the Sherif to warn us off. "
He says as he looks at her angrily.

Elena looks shocked
"Why didn't you tell me?"
She asks.
"Happy birthday Elena, Stefan tried to kill  your childhood friends mother. Cake?"
He says, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

He pushes past her and walks to the other ride of the room gathering all the papers.
"He called me Tae."
She says as he stops in his tracks and turms to look at her.
He asks shocked that Stefan with his humanity switch off cared enough to give his girlfriend a call.

"Stefan called me last night."
She said as she looked him in the eyes.
"What did he say?"
He asks papers still in hand.
"He didn't say anything. But its was him."
Taehyung look at Elena with doubt that it was really Stefan who called her.
"I asked Sherif Forbes if she would trace the call's origin. It came from Tennessee. Where you guys found his victims."
She finished.

"Yeah,exactly. Where we found his victims. He's been binge-drinking on the country folk. We went through this, Elena. Stefan's gone."
He says as he throws the papers into the fire place and grabs the matches.
"And I don't mean geographically."
He says with a pained smile.

Elena looks at him sadly
"If he was really gone...he wouldn't have called."
Tae ignores her and faces the fire place again. She scoffs and walks out the room. He light a match and destroys the papers(months of work).


Elena knew Taehyung and Damon wouldn't help so she went to Alaric.
She pushed him into giving her all the information they found out over the summer. She learned that Klaus and Stefan were tracking werewolves up the Eastern seaboard to make some hybrids.
Now all she needs is an exact location and she'll be on her way to saving Stefan.


She went to Tyler for help and now their sitting in a booth at the Grille as Tyler give all the information he can to Elena.

"Allot of us like to keep to ourselves for the full moon. Chain ourselves up. But there are some werewolves that like to gather in places where they don't  have to do that. Where they can enjoy it."
He explains.

"What kind of places?"
She asks back.
"Mountains, state parks, deserts, that kind of stuff."
He says.
She leans closer
"Anywhere in Tennessee?"
She questions hoping that they finally find something useful.

He nods.
"Yeah. Here, give me your phone, I'll try to pull up a map."
He says as he puts his hand out so she can give him her phone.
She hands him her phone.

"Thanks for this. I know it's asking allot."
She says with a greatful smile.
He smiles back.
"As Caroline likes to remind me, Stefan's in this mess because I bit Damon. I figure I owe you one."
He says and  she just smiles as she thinks of Caroline scolding Tyler.
"Have you talked to her today?"
He asks.

The Abandoned SalvatoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora