Murderous Witches

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Taehyung woke up early the next morning. He had a quick shower and decided to make breakfast for him and Hayley since they were the only ones that actually ate in the house.

He was busy In the kitchen cooking the biggest breakfast which included, waffles, bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, sausages. He put on some music and was jamming out in the kitchen as he cooked the breakfast. Hayley walked into te kitchen and she immediately burst into a a fit of giggles.

He heard her, and grabbed her making her dance with him. They were both smiling and laughing having the time of their lives. Rebekah and Elijah came into the kitchen with a look of amusement on their faces.

"Good morning Beks and Elijah"
He said sending a smile their ways as he makes a plate for Hayley.
"Good morning to you too Tae"
Rebekah said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Good morning Taehyung, quite the big breakfast you've made."
He said with a smile.

"Well we have a pregnant,hormonal werewolf in the house and she needs to eat to keep that baby in her tum happy and well fed."
He said with a bright smile as he sets Hayley's plate down in front of her with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Taheyung look at Hayley and gestures to the plate. As Hayley takes the first bite of the waffles she moans in delight and immediately takes another bite.
"Is it that good?"
Tae asks with a little laugh.
"Best breakfast I've had in years. I'm keeping you."
Hayley says with a mouth full of food.
Taheying laughs and gives Hayley a kiss on the cheek.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed pup."
He smiles at her grabs a plate for himself and then walks away to the living room, leaving Hayley a blushing mess at the nickname and the feeling of his lips on her cheek. For some strange reason Elijah felt a pang of jealousy. He was quick to wipe those emotions from his mind and went back to the emotionless facade he always puts up.

Rebekah noticed his strange behavior but she brushed it off as all of them gathered in the living room.
"So back to the murderous witches,I have some concerns."
Elijah start off as he sees that everyone is present.
"They're evil Elijah. And my life is still magically linked to Sophie Deveraux, which is not comforting."
Hayley tells him with a worried look as she puts down her plate.

"Why don't you guys just unlinked them?"
Tae asks nonchalantly as he munches on his bacon.
"Well we would, if we had a witch strong enough that can do the spell without a certain feisty teenage witch sensing it."
Klaus says, still keeping his eyes on his book.
Tae asks surprised.

Everyone looks at him in shocked and intrigue, wondering how he knows the young witch.
"You know of Davina? How?"
Elijah asks him curiously
"Yes I know her. She's like a daughter to me. Way back when I was still doing Marcel's dirty work, I got close to Davina. The girl has been through allot and so have I. We were each other's support systems. She was the only person I actually trusted in this town."
Tae says with a smile as he remembers all the good times he had with the young girl.

"Well that's good to know. Anyway back to the topic. What's the plan?"
Rebekah asks them
"Well I think it's about time we took care of the witches."
Elijah says with a little smirk.
"I am all for it. As soon as we unlink them, we get to leave this crap town."
She says nodding approval at Elijah's statement.
"Who do we have to kill?"
Tae asks Elijah
"Probably no one"
Elijah says but Tae gives him a look and he sighs
"Alright, potentially everyone"
Elijah says reluctantly and Tae sends a smile Elijah's way as he eats his waffles.

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