There's no door number three

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Elena has been in and out of consciousness. She woke up with a gasp to see herself in her bed with Stefan sitting next to her. He calms her down.

She asks confused, since the last thing she remembers is her and Matt drowning in his truck.
"Hey. I'm right here. You've been in and out for hours."
He explains to her.
"What happened?"
She asks confused.
"You were in an accident."
Stefan says calmly trying not to freak her out.

"Oh,my God. Matt, is he--?"
She gets cut of by Tae answering her question for her.
"Alive? Ask Stefan. The hero."
Tae says sarcastically as he leans forward daring Stefan to tell her.
Damon observes the situation from the corner of the room.
"He's fine."
Stefan reassures Elena answering her question about Matt.

She sighs in relief after hearing Matt is okay and he made it out alive,but then she got confused.
"Thank you. I thought that I....How did you...?"
Tae interrupts again.
"Save you? He didn't."
He says bitterly with a sneer.

Elena looks even more confused and she turns back to Stefan for an explanation.
"When Jeremy brought you to the hospital before all this happened... your injuries were worse than anyone knew. Meredith Fell made a choice. She used Tae's blood to heal you."
Stefan admits with a sigh while observing Elena for her reaction.

"And when Rebekah ran Matt's truck off the road,you had vampire blood in your system, Elena."
Tae says as he looks her in the eyes.
She realized what he meant and she immediately panics.
"Oh,my god. Does that mean that I? Am I dead?"
She shakes her head in denial.
"No. No. NO, that wasn't supposed to happen."
She says as she starts to panic even more feeling like the walls are closing in on her.

Stefan scoots closer to her on the bed.
"Maybe it doesn't have to. I talked to Bonnie, she said she's stronger than ever. There might be something that she can do."
Stefan says trying to convince Elena to just at least wait to see if Bonnie can save her.

Tae shakes his head disagreeing with Stefan.
"No. The only thing that's going to help is for you to feed and complete the transition."
Tae says as he looks at Elena.
Stefan turns around and faces his younger brother annoyed by his constant unhelpful comments.
"We have all day before she has to feed, Tae."
Stefan says annoyed.
"That's a day to exhaust every possible way out of this."
He says.
Tae's anger starts to boil over.
He yells out at his brother as his eyes burn a bright icey blue but it disappears not long after it appeared.
"We all know the drill. You feed or you die. There is no door number three."
Tae says a little calmer than before.

"I was ready to die."
Elena says sadly and Stefan and Tae and Damon all look at her sympathetically.
"I was supposed to die. I don't want to be-- I can't be a vampire....if there's something Bonnie can do, we have to try."
Elena says determined to at least try to get out of this mess as a human.

"We will. We'll try everything."
Stefan says with just as much determination.
Tae sighs annoyed by their efforts to do something that will never work.
"Your choice, Elena. As always."
He says as he gets up and walks out of the room angrily.
Damon and Stefan watch him leave. And Elena's a little disappointed that Tae didn't stay.


Tae's downstairs in the gilbert's kitchen raiding their bourbon stash when he hears Stefan come down the stairs and into the kitchen.

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