New Orleans

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The drive to New Orleans was long, but he needed time to think. He doesn't really have anywhere to stay so he called in a favor. The blond female original he so quickly bonded with was more then happy to give him temporary residence until he found a place of his own.

He called Rebekah the day before he left letting her know when he was arriving. Rebekah was currently welcoming her brother,Elijah, after him being gone so long from being daggered by Klaus and bargained to Marcel. Klaus was happy his sister's worries was finally put at ease. Hayley was happy because Elijah was the only one she really trusted enough out of all of them.

As they welcomed Elijah back they heard a car pull up outside. And judging by how excited Rebekah was the brothers assumed it was her guest
"Rebekah are you expecting someone?"
Elijah asks curiously as he looks at his sister.
She just sends a big smile his way and runs out the front door.

Taehyung steps out of his car and as soon as he sees Rebekah barreling his way he opens his arms to welcome her hug. She holds onto him tightly as she squeals in delight.
"Jeez Beks, super hearing remember."
He says and she releases him from her arms and slaps his shoulder playfully.

"You can handle it tough guy. Anyway we can take in your luggage and you can pick a room."
She says excitedly but before they could do anything, Klaus, Elijah and Hayley step outside watching the too with calculating eyes, especially Klaus.

"Excuse me, Rebekah, but no one said that he could stay here. I don't want him anywhere near my unborn child."
Klaus says threateningly scowling at Taehyung.
"I wouldn't harm a child Klaus. I'm not you."
Tae says with a smirk.

He turns to look at the rest of his audience.
"And you must be Hayley. Nice to meet you. My name is Taehyung, Tae for short. Just call me Tae though please."
He says as he shakes Hayley's hand.
She smiles genuinely at him.
"Nice to meet you too Tae."
She says and he smiles back at her.

He looks at Elijah.
Elijah gives him a tight lipped smile
"Taehyung. Nice to see you again."
Taehyung laugh at Elijah's statement
"Wish I could say the same Elijah."

He finally turns to Klaus, who's already glaring at him.
"Look I can leave if you want me too. Rebekah offered me a place to stay so I accepted. If I knew you were gonna be here I would have never accepted her offer. But I'm here now, so can we please put our differences aside, because I'm not here to fight with you... surprisingly I'm actually here to fight beside you, to keep your baby safe."
He says with a smile and both Elijah and Klaus look at him in shock.

"Why? Why are you helping us when we've caused you so much trouble in the past. Why help Klaus of all people?"
Elijah asks him genuinely interested in his answer.
"I'm not here for him specifically, I'm here to protect the child that Hayley is carrying. The baby is a Tribrid. I can feel the power radiating off of Hayley right now. That Baby and I are the only one's of our kind and I wanna be there to protect him or her, no matter the cost. Because as far as I'm concerned that baby is already family to me."
Taehyung says with a sigh.

Klaus is even more stunned then before, Hayley feels safe around Taehyung, alsmot like she knows he wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Elijah is in awe that a man that they have put through some rough times is now helping them. Rebekah is smiling so big it looks like her jaw might fall off.

"Soooo, are you guys gonna let me in or not?"
He asks shrugging his shoulders.
Hayley and Rebekah laugh, Elijah tries to stop the smile coming onto his face and Klaus still has his doubts but he'll just have to see how loyal Taehyung can be.

After that he picked a room, unpacked his bags and settled in for the night.
This feels like home. This was where he was meant to be regardless of the original family living in the same place as him. New Orleans was him home and he's finally accepted it.



So there it is guys. I wanted to have Tae in New Orleans cuz I felt like he didn't really belong in Mystic Falls. And I have plans for Tae here in New Orleans and we're gonna have our little Gucci man explore his sexuality, if you know what I mean😉. New Orleans is in for a wild ride!😜


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