A Walk on The Wild Side

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The Strix. There's not much Taehyung can say about them, other than the fact that they're a bunch of ancient,self absorbed assholes. They carry themselves with a cocky, 'i am better than you and always will be', type of attitude. Taehyung absolutely despises them. Aya, being the worst of them all, really knows how to get under his skin. The way she constantly tries to make it seem like there's an underlying sexual tension between her and Elijah, because of their past, really grinds his gears. Of course Elijah does nothing to encourage her attitude but she keeps pushing nonetheless. Almost like she's trying to rile Taehyung up on purpose.

While having to deal with The Strix, he's also had to deal with Klaus's constant attempts to try and apologize or get his attention. He had to fight his natural his instincts every minute of every day to not just give into Klaus's begging. He could see in his eyes that he truly meant his apology, but Taehyung couldn't bring himself to forgive the hybrid just yet.

But despite all that, he's had a wonderful morning. He took an early morning jog with Marcel. They've slowly started to build up their relationship again, granted things won't be exactly the same as before, but at least they're trying to make amends. They've decided to embrace every aspect of their relationship. The good and the bad, because at the end of the day, if they weren't gonna do it for themselves, they have to do it for Davina. They're co-dads after all.

He said goodbye to Marcel after their jog and they both went their separate ways. Taehyung made his way back to the compound, but as he got to the entrance some random vampire handed him an invitation and sped of without saying a word. Taehyung did a quick scan of the card in his hand and he immediately knew who he had to talk to about this.

He took a quick shower and got dressed in fresh clothes, then he sped off to go find Elijah. Luckily he didn't have to search very long. He found Elijah in Marcel's fight gym, busy punching the life out of punching bag. Taking out all his pent up frustrations. With one more punch, he broke the chains holding the bag up, and sent it flying a couple feet away from him.

"Something the matter Elijah? Something you wanna talk about? Like The Strix?"
Taehyung asked him walking closer, while holding the invitation between his fingers for Elijah to see. Elijah looked at him, waiting for an explanation about the card in his hand.

" ~I do hope that you can come, old chum~, signed Tristain. I was coming back from a jog with Marcel, when a random vampire dropped it off. You care to fill me in?"
He asks after handing Elijah the invitation, so he could read it himself.

"This isn't your concern."

"Oh, but it is. So why don't you cut the protective macho crap and tell me what's really going on?"
Taehyung growled shoving Elijah against the wall with his forearm against his neck, keeping him trapped.

"I quite literally saved both yours and Marcel ass from The Strix. I can end them all with a flick of my wrist and you know it. So don't try and tell me I can't handle it, because you know damn right i can. So spill 'Lijah."

Elijah quickly flips them around, so Taehyung is trapped against the wall
"What do you want to know?"


After Elijah filled Taehyung in on everything regarding Tristan and The Strix, they made their way to the compound to regroup with Freya, Hayley, and much to Taehyung's dismay, Klaus.

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