For The Next Millenium

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"My dear Rebekah, I hope this finds you well. I write to offer an update and to ask your advice. Our brothers remain at odds. Klaus will never apologize, not for the blood he shed, nor the suffering Taehyung and Hayley continue to endure.

And Elijah cannot forgive him.

Despite my efforts, we are a house divided. Which is not to say I have no good news.

Niklaus kept his word. Marcel controls the quarter. There he has founded a fight gym in the old St. Anne's church, where he tests the mettle of those who wish to join his vampire community.

Elijah has begun joining him for sparring. I believe it helps him work through his anger. And he has much anger.

While Hope continues to flourish, it is clear that she misses her mother. Elijah tries to distract himself from his emotions, but i can see, he is lost without Tae. And though Niklaus remains the doting father, he has been of no help in finding a cure for their curse.

Despite my best efforts, i have yet to find a means to undo the spell placed on Taehyung, Hayley and the Crescent wolves. Hayley herself continues to struggle, unable to see her child except for once a month on the full moon.

Taehyung seems to have disappeared. From what Hayley told us, apparently he separated from the pack after Dahlia's attack. And he has been lost ever since. We have not been able to find him, though Elijah still has hope that maybe some day we will. Hayley lost track of his scent long ago. She has no way of finding him, but we haven't stopped looking.

And we're in no position to ask for outside help.

Davina's rage in our family has only grown. And Niklaus being the cause of her father's disappearance, does not calm her anger. And as regent of all covens, she's far too formidable to be swayed.

Meanwhile, Niklaus has began to see Camille for what he calls their little chats. He claims a desire to amend his ways. In truth, he seems utterly free of remorse. Which only drives Elijah further away.

I wonder if you would write me with any advice you have on how to heal their fractured bond. Until then, I remain your loving sister..."



"She's getting bigger by the second."
Freya comments with a smile, kneeling next to Hope, while the sweet little girl plays with her toys.

"Thank you for all of your care."
Elijah thanks her sincerely

"Tomorrow's the full moon. I can help you bring Hope to Hayley if you'd like, and give you a chance to continue your search for Taehyung."
She suggests to him. She could see him become tense as soon as she mentioned his name. Though Elijah remains hopeful that they might find Taehyung, just saying his name stirs up an immense feeling of dread and guilt. He wishes he could have done more to prevent what had happened.

"Won't be necessary. You deserve a night off."
Elijah tells her with a soft smile as he picks up the toys Hope doesn't seem to bother herself with.

"I'd offer to accompany you myself, but i fear my fragile ego could not endure the litany of insults Hayley has no doubt prepared."
Klaus comments with a smirk as he joins Freya and Elijah in the common area of the compound.

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