Hey Big Bro

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Taehyung laughed at his brothers reaction as he walked closer to Damon.
"Hey Big bro."
He said as he sat next to his brother on the bed.
Damon looked at his baby brother with tears shining in his eyes.
"What...what are you doing here?"

Taehyung smiled.
"I got your messages. Sorry i couldn't come earlier."
Taehyung sighed as he looked at his brothers current state.
"You look like shit."
He said with a little laugh and Damon laughed along and Elena just smiled at their bond.
"Yeah,well last time i checked i was dying. So looking like shit kinda is the only way to go right now."
Damon looked at his baby brother and he started to cry.

"I am so sorry that we left you behind Tae. I have never ever stopped thinking about you and where you were and if you were okay. I missed you."
Damon said as he was full on sobbing right now.
Taehyung smiled as tears started to roll down his cheeks too.
"I forgave you a long time ago Damon."

Damon smiled tiredly as he closed his eyes. Taehyung bit into his wrist and put his bleeding wrist to his brothers mouth.
Damon opened his eyes as he gripped onto his brother wrist and drank his blood.

Elena looked at Taehyung with a confused look as Damon finshed drinking and laid back down, colour returning to his skin.

"What just happened? What did you do?"
Elena questioned him.
Taehyung smiled as his brother started breathing normally. He looked over at Elena.
"I gave him the cure."
He answered her. Elena looked shocked by his answer.
"Your blood is the cure."
She stated shocked by his revelation

He looked amused by the look on Elena's face.
"Yes,Elena my blood is the cure to werewolf bites,but so is Klaus's. He's the original hybrid,but I'm stronger. I'm the original Tribrid."

He stood up and walked out but he stopped by the door As he spoke to Elena.
"You should go home Elena. Let Damon rest. I'm gonna find myself a room. See you tommorow."

He walked downstairs as Elena gathered her stuff and left the house. She got into her car and drove off. She entered her house and checked on Jeremy to find him asleep on the couch. She smiled and went up to her room. She got dressed and got into bed. She drifted off to sleep knowing that her boyfriend left with klaus and that she had to learn more about the youngest Salvatore.



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