Chapter 43

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*Harry's POV:*

I shouted jumping around all over the bed.

"Harry what the fuck!" She yelpled almost getting chucked off of the bed. Her arms latched around my legs and pulled me back down to the mattress with a thud.

"Hi, Princess," I hummed, bringing my face closer to hers, glancing at her lips.
Her eyes filled to the brim with lust and stared back at mine.

"Hi, Baby,"
Her eyes then latched to my lips and her arms snaked over my shoulders, to my nape.
"Merry Christmas, Hazza,"
A supple pair of lips connected to mine without hesitation as my hands slid over her waist and creeped their way up her back. Her leg found it's way over to mine and moved over my hips.
With our lips still enveloped in with one another, Leah pulled herself up and sat on my lap. I broke away from her touch to take a breath but stayed close to her face; instead of kissing her lips again, they landed onto the open flesh over her chest and neck. Her skin silky smooth and smelt delicately of strawberries on a summers evening.

A heavenly moan escaped her throat as I tugged at the sensitive, sweet spot of her neck her hands weaving in the mane of hair on my head.
Just as the moment could esculate any further someone burst through the bedroom door.

"Merry Christmas you ugly fuckers- oh my god my fucking eyes!"
Seems as though Oakley had burst through the door at the wrong time and scared the shit out of us both.

"Oakley! Urm, Hi," Leah exclaimed, clambering of of me and out of bed; saving this awkward situation.

"I'm so sorry," They laughed.

"For what! For what? There wasn't anything to see urm ... what the fuck are you doing here? Since you know I was aired by you for 2days."

They both made their ways down the stairs.

*Leah's POV:*

Oakley panicked at first.

"Look I wanted to apologise, ok. I've come to my senses after a long a while of thinking. Leah, I'm so sorry if I've worried you at all because I saw it in your face before you left work two days ago, let alone yesterday. Here,"

She handed me a bag if presents which I thanked them for. Just then, Max came waddling into the living room from the conservatory.

"You have a dog!" They shouted running towards him.

"Yeah, urm his name is Max, just gonna go to check on Harry-" I slurred to them and jogged my way upstairs.

"Harry?" I shouted lowly, walking into the bedroom to see him pacing. "Babe? You ok?"

"Yeah," He jumped and turned to me, "Yeah I'm fine, I just need to get dressed Love, I'll be down in a sec,"
He almost booted me straight out of the bedroom and left me confused as fuck.
I walked downstairs and Harry soon followed.

"Sorry Baby, I just got a call from the funeral home about my mums burial; bit unsure why but I've sorted it,"
He kissed me on the cheek and ran down the stairs.

*Harry's POV:*

I lied. The funeral home didn't call me. I was thinking about that message I got. The one clearly from my dad. Fuck knows where he got the phone from my that isn't the current problem.

Oakley is probably the only person I could tell this to because Robin doesn't know who they are. I'm hoping that they agree into helping me because Leah's been worried sick enough recently already so I can't be worrying her even more by leaving the house late at night.


"That's my name," They said, taking their attention away from Max.

"Look I really need to talk to you, big time." I spoke quickly and quietly.

"Urm yeah sure. Leah I think Max needs to go in the garden!"
They followed me towards the kitchen and hoped onto a stool.

I paced up and down the kitchen and held my face in my hands.

"I got a message last night from my Dad. He broke out of prison a few nights ago and is now going on some sort of killing spree apparently ."
I told them lowly, hoping Leah wouldn't hear a word.

"He told me to meet him in Sunday at 11pm near that graveyard but I can't go-" I looked at them sternly, "I- I need you to go. He told me not to tell anyone but he doesn't know you so-"

"I'll do it, Harry. The least I can do is keep Leah safe and you too I guess,"

"Oakley, you do know you're putting your life on the line here,"

"I know. I didn't have to say yes to you. Leah's done her best to keep me safe from anyone my whole life and I could at least return the favour."

I nodded in understanding and smiled at them gratefully.

"Just message me time and place and I'll do what I can to get rid of this guy,"

"Thank you, thank you so much," I almost shouted and pulled them into a hug just before
Leah walked in with Max.

"Putting the kettle on, Love?"

"Yeah Babe,"
I turned to Oakley and gave them a small nod before walking towards the kettle.

"You staying for a coffee, Oak?"

"No, no I've got to go and visit me mum today, I just wanted to drop off your presents and urm apologise,"

"Oh yeah, presents," Leah chirped, she ran back to the conservatory and grabbed Oakley's gifts.
A zodiac ring and matching necklace I think it was.


Oakley got me and Leah matching onsies for Christmas which were both very happy with.

*Leah's POV:*

Harry came back down the stairs with I suppose my present behind his back.

"Babe," He spoke softly. He crept over to me before crouching before me.
"Leah. I love you so, so much it's beyond belief at this point. You mean more than the world does to me and as much as I would like to propose I think it's too soon just yet,"
He pulled a ring box from behind his back and opened it. Opened it to reveal a beautiful rose gold ring with a H + L enscribed as initial decoration. Tears swam in my eyes, even before he could even continue. "Leah, would you put this promise ring in your finger. In promise that you will keep every promise we ever make. That you will promise to one day you will become my wife. It's not an engagement, it's a promise. I love you, Baby, so so much."

I looked at him and hope could be seen, written all over his face.
My lips parted and my head finally began to move as a nod.

"Yeah, yeah I will," I told him.
A huge smile appeared on his face and joyful tears streamed down both of our faces. His hands shook as he took the ring from the box and slid it onto my finger.

"I love you so much!" He exclaimed cradling me into his arms.

*Harry's POV:*

"I love you too!" She shouted back.

There was just one thing neither of us knew. Especially not Leah.

This could probably be one of the last happiest memories we'd ever share; we'd ever have.

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