Chapter 21

23 2 84

20 minutes earlier

*Harry's POV:*

I can't think straight... I'm supposed to feel happy about tomorrow... I'm going out with Leah, but no there has to be a spanner thrown in the works.

I feel so fucking childish, I want to cry. Everything has just become so overwhelming and it's like I can't cope. Although, there's something you should probably know about. Hopefully, you remember Louis, well one of his best friends is crushing massively on Leah. Which is obviously irritating. I know she has never mentioned him but she's probably thinking about it. Louis is her best friend and obviously hangs about with his mates, as well as Oakley and Isac.
What am I supposed to do though. Talk to Oakley...Isac maybe. No, I can't. They'll only end up telling her before everyone I even get the chance.

I sit at the edge of my chair, my knee bouncing, my hands trembling. God. I don't understand how I could be so nervous about some petty "date". Even though in my defense, there kind of is a reason I should be nervous, but then again, nit fucking really. If I start crying I'm gonna look like a proper idiot...


After a long while of overthinking, before I even knew it, tears were streaming down my face. Bet, I look like a fucking idiot... crying.
I shake my head and laugh at myself.

"You alright, Harry," I jumped at the sound of her voice. I knew exactly who it was. Her voice, so innocent and sweet.
Shit, I cant ignore her. I sniff a few times before responding,

"Yeah...erm- Yeah,"
Way to go Harold, how convincing did that sound. I mean, I'm probably gonna have to tell her about how I feel should I get it out of the way and tell her now.

No, no.

"You sure, Hun," she questioned,

"Yes." I sigh after responding, she'll only speculate more, it's what she does. Being aggressive won't get me anywhere, she'll just know something is up.

"Harry, you can tell me if something I wrong you know,. You know you can trust me, right?" Her voice is so soothing and relaxing. I could listen to it all day.
She sat down beside me but I avoided her eye, I'll probably make it worse for myself if she knows I've been crying.

I felt her hand slide over the top of mine, clearly for comfort but I just wasn't expecting it. In result, I jump, making her pull her hand away. The urge I had to just grab her hand and interlock our fingers, was more probable than I hoped, but I stay still.

I couldn't really resist not looking at her anymore, so I hastily lift my head from its low hanging position to gaze into those gorgeous emerald green eyes of hers.
Her face droops almost immediately,

"Harry-" My face stayed plainly as it was, well, tried to. My eyes soon full with water and my lips shake.
Her arms snaked over my shoulders and she held me tightly, I buried my head into her neck and just let loose of the tears. It's been a while since I've had a good cry. Being who I was a school kinda never gave me the opportunity to be vulnerable like I am now.... wow.

I really like her don't I, I mean it's not everyday you end up crying in a girl's arms is it? Especially, someone like Leah. I mean when you get to know her ofcourse. Not gonna lie, sometimes in high school she looked like she could knock someone's fucking head off if she could. If that was her concentrating face I dont know, but Jesus. Scary... Even heard Summer say it sometimes. More often than not though, she looked extremely shy and clearly not body confident at all.

In school, I never wanted to make it look like a was "staring" at her on purpose, it was more like "ooh let's zone out and look all over the room just to make sure it's not to obvious" it worked but you know. Anyway, when she had her days she looked very~ annoyed. I want to say maybe she was on her monthlys (period) but we don't stan sexism.

After a while, I calmed down a little, I didn't really want to speak at first but it'll probably make me feel better if I do.

"I don't know w-what to d-do, Leah,"
Words kinda just fell out of my mouth, but to be truthful, I don't know what do. Leave her be to make her own decisions with Niall or ask her the *big question*. Not marriage, chill out, just for her to be my girlfriend.

"I'm here, Harry. You can tell me anything," Her soft and supple hand rests on my cheek, firstly tucking curls behind my ear, then using her thumb to wipe away tears from my face, lastly leaving her hand on my face. Thumb on my cheek, two fingers above my ear and the other two below it.
Leaning into her touch, savouring every moment of it, I study her facial features, fondly.

"I don't know...Everything's just been quite overwhelming recently, I just-"
I wanted to tell her, I do, just not right now. We're at work and anyone could be listening, God forbid it be Isac. Now I've thought it though...

I realised that her hand is still on my face, and I pulled away quickly, not because I don't like it because fucking hell I do. It's just if someone were to see...don't get me wrong I really like Leah and if she's told people about what happened between us fair enough but if this is gonna happen I'd rather people know than speculate.

"Ok- You don't have to tell me anything you're not comfortable with though, Harry. You can keep somethings to yourself if you have to, you know,"

"Yes, Leah but this is something you have to know. You specifically," I mean there's no going back now I've said that is there. Tomorrow, I'll tell her tomorrow.

I took her hands into mine, mine significantly bigger than hers.

"Look, I want to tell you, how I- urm what's going on but I can't right now, let me do it tomorrow, when there's no one else around, it's just us two," I gave her some kind of reassuring smile and her hands a subtle squeeze.

"Right, yeah..yeah ok," she replied, I breathed a soft sigh, almost of relief.

"Tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 1pm," Talking to her makes me feel some much better. Sounds silly but when I speak to her I get little fluttery feelings in my tummy and chest. Whatever that feeling is, I love it.
I feel my face heat up, she smirks and rises to her feet.

"See you soon, Haz," She ruffles my hair softly before leaving.
I feel myself go into some sort of trance, staring at her leave, then realise...she called me Haz, like a nickname. Ugh I'm going crazy, there's obviously a possibility of her liking me but- I don't even know what I'm talking about now, but only my mum calls me Haz, weird I know but it feels different when Leah calls me it.
I smile at the thought, but I probably look really stupid so I shake my head and get back to some sort of work.


*Leah's POV:*

It's just a couple of minutes before we leave work, so I decide to get myself packed up and ready to go. It's been a rather long day and I proper wanna go home.
The talk I had with Harry earlier was really nice but it hurt me so much to see how upset he was. He just looked so confused and hurt, it was horrible.

I grab my jacket from the hanger, after I took off my uniform then put on my trainers. As I was doing so, Isac walked in.

"Hey," He said, with a smile on his face, "saw you with Harry earlier..."

"Ok..." He seemed very- cheeky? "That's weird why~?"

"I don't know, I'm just not convinced there's nowt going on between you two,"
Then it hit me. Everytime anyone brought up Harry I'm the first to say he's not my favourite here or we never talk to eachother.
I suddenly got really anxious,

"Erm- I don't know what you're talking about. There isn't anything going on between us..."

"Sure ok, but that's not what I heard..."

"Oh so you were earwigging!" Dickhead...

"No, but now you've just proved my point so-" he shrugged. "Reverse psychology," He shrugged. Up to no good that twat. "Soooo~"

"Mate, good look getting anything out of me. Nothing is going on between me and Harry ok?"

"Leah, there's not fooling-"


"Alright, alright" He kept a stupid grin across his face and leaves. Knobhead.

When I arrived home to my flat, I rushed inside, put the kettle on and flop onto the sofa. What a day.

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