Chapter 18

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*Leah's POV:*

I woke up to a really bright arse sun beating down on my face. I sniffled a bit before moving around in the unfamiliar sheets. In the unfamiliar sheets. What- Did I...

I turned over to see Harry, sleeping soundly not remembering much from last night. Wait...
I lifted the sheets to see I'm butt naked in Harry's fucking bed, with his shirt on too. Shit. What do I do?
I mean I could stay, but we're just friends, so it would be weird if I stayed. I shouldn't be in his bloody bed and what happened was a mistake. A one time thing.

With that in mind, I slid my legs off the bed- Ow... The whole of my legs sore and my *area* especially. Welp, looks like I'm not a virgin anymore.

Being as careful as possible, I clambered out of his bed and slipped on my clothes from last night.
I got to the bedroom door and heard him grunt softly and roll over. I stared at him in a daze. He's so cu... Nope, to hell with that...

I clicked the door handle and drift it open, cringing to step outside of the room. I breathed a soft sigh of relief and tip-toed down the wooden stairs.
My purse lay on the floor at the bottom of the stairs, I checked it and see all of my belongings were still there.
Fuck putting on my shoes, those heels bloody kill.

Unlocking the front door as quiet as possible, pulling out my phone also to call Oakley.




"Can you pick me up, please," I whispered loudly,

"Sounds like someone actually got laid, well done you." They congratulated me,

"Oak not the time, I swear to god if he hears me-"

"Wha- you're fucking leaving, and when he's asleep!" They almost shouted.

"Well, yes. But please, get your arse down to that high school down the main road, and his house is on the left... I'll tell you everything later, please,"

"Fine, fine. Jesus woman you're making a mistake leaving him,"

"Whatever just fucking move,"

"Alright calm down, I'll there in 10,"


They pulled up at his place and I got into their car, wincing a little as I sat.

"Alright, I know it hurts first time but suck it up," I rolled my eyes at them,

"Whatever just take me home and do you mind driving me to work too, my head is fucking banging," I replied, rubbing my eyes,

"Yeah, yeah. Dramatic bitch,"

The whole drive they're asking if he was good but I ignored them.

"You can fucking walk to work in a minute-" They complained.

"Alright fine...Yes- He was good. Jesus you happy now," I did a terrible job at hiding a smirk from them. I blushed a the thought but it soon washed away.

"You're having a fucking laugh.." I mumbled to myself as Oakley pulled into the car park. I saw Liam leant against a wall staring directly at the car. There's no way of getting out of him noticing me then is there...

I miserably cursed to myself as I tiredly got out of their car.

"No need to rub it in but, Liam's here,"

"I noticed," I smiled sarcastically, "I'm in for it if he finds out,"

I walked over to my work building and towards Liam with the fakest smile on my face but since he's always 'blind sighted by my beauty' he probably wouldn't even have notice.
Seeing him beam at me almost made me cringe but I hid it. I honestly don't know what's got into me but he is actually really annoying and just talks about himself constantly.

"Hiya~" He giggles and takes me into a hug. Oakley walks past and sees me roll my eyes, making her laugh. "I heard you went to a party of something yesterday,"

"Urm, yeah. Just a friends birthday that's all, it was nice..." I trail off and smirk knowing what actually happened but it soon turns to a frown when I realise I'm being an idiot. I mean there's no way that is ever going to happen again, no way. Me and Harry are friends, we got a little...or a lot drunk (I did anyway) but that doesn't change anything. Having alcohol in our systems would obviously change our opinions on one another...obviously.

*Harry's POV:*

"Mornin, Lea-" I begin to cheesily grin but it soon fades when I realise she isn't there. Bitch.
After a night like that she just fucking leaves, with no note or anything.

I shake my head and furrow my brows, quickly jumping out of bed. Ignoring the hang over, I throw on my work uniform and race down the stairs. I bearly acknowledge a lot around me, just knowing she left when I was asleep without the decensy to stay until I wake up was enough to get my blood boiling.

Knowing I should've expected it, I calmed down a bit, but she really didn't have to.

Charging through my front door, I unlock my car and jump inside. I sit, thinking of the previous night briefly,

"Fuck sake!" I growl, punching the steering wheel. I start the engine and before long I'm racing down the main road, minor rage coursing through my viens.

*Leah's POV:*

I turn to Oakley as we walk into work and she raises her eyebrows,

"You're a bit fucked if he finds out you know, hoping he doesn't turn out to be a massive dichead," They say,

"Oak, I know. Blurting it out, he will find out," I tell them, pulling them quickly away from Liam, who was approaching us. It was to late though, Liam had spotted us and walked over to the coner I pulled Oakley to.

Liam turns to me. Anger in his eyes,

"So, you shagged Harry last night?...How was he" He yells,

"Oops..." Oakley slowly backs away. I throw her a dirty look. It soon fades and his eyes pierce through me, viciously.

"I-I, urm,"

"Exactly, you don't fucking know. Do you?" His hand grips my shoulder and he pushes me against the nearest wall,

"Oakley told you?"

"Well no, I saw what you posted last night though,"
He pulled out his phone and showed me a photo Oak took. I was dancing with Harry, his head was buried in the crook of my neck and i was laughing, holding his hand.

"Liam, fucking hell! I haven't even been seeing you that long," I try shove him out of the way but he cover my mouth with his hand and pins me harder against the wall.

"You best hope you're sorry, love." His hands cascade over my front and grip my hips, as he pushes his body closer to mine. Trying to squerm out of his hands really did nothing.
"Stop struggling," Liam's voice was kind of quieter and a lot more seductive.

After attempting to move more, he takes his hand away from my mouth and raises it over his head, before bringing it down quickly, whipping my face.
I wince and my eyes flood with tears. An evil grin appears on his face.
My face pulsates as I slowly slide to a puddle of pain on the ground.

Liam lowers himself to my level and pouts, as if it was sarcasm and cared only about his self. Well, it was.

Soon, I found myself thinking about Harry. If Harry was here he wouldn't let this happen, hell he'd bet the shit out of Liam.
Harry please...

"Oi...D'you even work here- Liam?" I knew straight away it was Harry but Liam stood up to quickly for him to see me. Harry's tone changed from anger to sounding happy, but it didnt last long.
"Long time, no see, mate," I hear him speak lowly, "I heard about you and...Leah?"
I was confused to know if he saw me or he was speaking about me. I'll soon find out.

"Move." He shoves, Liam out of the way to see me on the ground.

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