Chapter 15

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///Possible kissing scene ;o///

*Leah's POV:*

I got into the taxi and did my best to stay calm, and what's worse, Liam didn't know this was my first ever bloody date. I'd hope that if I did tell him he would be farely reasonable about it but also try not to be shocked.
I really hope this doesn't end up being hella awkward.

I arrived to the resturuant and see a tall-ish guy, in a black tux and leant against a wall. I assumed it was Liam and begin walking over.
The click of my heels caught his attention, making him look up,

"Leah?" He shouted, a huge smile appearing on his face, "Hey!" As he approached me, his arms opened and he pulled me into a huge bear hug. I calmed down a lot knowing he was also very chill.

"You look ... amazing, Leah" He complimented.

"Thank you, you don't look so ba yourself," I smiled back as he blushed.

"Thanks, Love. Well lets get inside," He peered at his watch, "I've booked our table already,"
I smiled gratefully at him as he lead me inside.

*Harry's POV:*

While I'm sat watching football, my phone buzzed. It was a mesage from Oakley. I was pretty confused as they barely ever message me ... but then I saw the message.

My breath hitched as I saw a flawless picture of Leah in a tight black dress, showing off her every curve. Her smile made the photo even better. How the fuck do I respond to that.

Oakley: Well...does she look nice? She's a little insecure rn :(

Me: Is she going on that date?!

Oakley: Mhm

Me: Liam is, wow ... he is a very lucky man.

To be truthful I actually know Liam. He was part of a silly 'gang' I had in high school. Pretty awkward knowing Leah is going on a date with him to be honest.

Oakley: Also, Harreh?

Me: Yeah

Oakley: Leah has a question for you

Me: Urm sure ... go ahead-

Oakley: Are you turned on by any chance? You know, got a big ol' boner. She knows she has a date but she kinda just wants to know really.

My eyes widened as I read her message. I can't exactly say ... no and lie but it would be hella awkward to tell the truth.

Oakley: I'll take your lack of response as a yes, cya at work Harreh x

And with that they go offline. Leaving me to my thoughts and ... problem. I look down to see and my jeans tightened and I let out a small groan. Fuck, that picture was hot.

C'mon Harry, you fucking idiot. She's on a date with your best friend from high school. I know that picture was fucking hot but don't go getting boners for other peoples girls.

My problem soon went away. I sighed. Shame she won't be going on a date with me looking like that, anytime soon. That photo and my reaction had definitely clarified I have feelings for Leah. Which I did think I already had but thanks to Oakley it's obvious now.

*Leah's POV:*

I sat oppostie Liam inside a rather comfortable booth.
The waiter soon came over and asked for our drinks, I ordered a gin and tonic and Liam just ordered a pint.

During the date we talked about work and drama school. I didn't want to make it awkward mentioning Harry because knowing my luck they probably went to school together or something.

Food wise I just ordered a pasta meal and Liam got something chicken related.
The date had been really pleasent that far on and Liam is very charming.
After we finished main course he offered to buy dessert but I kindy declined his offer since I wad getting rather tired, hopefully not making it obvious.

Liam soon then asked for the bill after talking some more.

When we exit the resturant and the cool, summer breeze washed over my face, blowing through my hair a little.

"You look gorgeous tonight, Leah," he complimented, gazing into my eyes.

"Thank you, Liam," I find myself smirking. Am I about to have my first kiss ... shit.

He takes a step closer to me and hesitantly took my hand,

"I can drive you home, I didn't have to much to drink," he smiled, flirtatiously.

"Are you sure, I can always order a taxi,"

"No, I insit, Love," He smiled reassuringly and took me to the car park, I followed him to his car. He opened to door for me. What a gentleman. He got in the drivers side and started the engine. There was a comfortable silence while he drove.

"It's a left here, isn't it," He smiled, keeping his eyes on the road,

"Yeah," I replied softy.

We soon pulled up to my flat and he helped me out of the car, these fucking heels.

"Tonight has been so nice, Liam. Thank you so much," I thanked him for the date, which truely had been so nice.

"No problem, Love" He replied, his voice silky and smooth. He shuffled closer to me and took my hand.
He hesitated before sliding his hand on my cheek and obviously to lean in for the kiss. I met him half way.
Our lips moved slowly and in rhythm with one another, but before the kiss could go any further, my phone vibrated a few times, making Liam pull away, very red in the face.

"I should take this," I tried keep myself from smiling but failing miserably.

"Yeah ... I hope to take you out again, Leah," He gave me a wide smile before getting back into his car.
After seconds of staring at him driving away, I read the messages, from Oakley. Ofcourse.

Oakley: I'm sure Harry would've loved to see that ... but he definately loved that picture of you earlier though ;) *Sent a screenshot of their conversation*.

I couldn't even respond. I went charging into my flat to see a very smug looking Oakley on my sofa.

"What the fuck! I go on a date with Liam and you straight up make it sound like I'm flirting with Harry ... Jeez, thanks" I felt like proper shouting at them but I'm not exactly mad about what they've done.

"I can see you like it," They got up and smirked straight in my face and turned to go to the kitchen singing to themselves "Leah loves Harry" over and over again.

Curse that fucking- I swear to god, they ruin fucking everything.
I laughed at them but didn't say anything.

I quickly kicked off my heels and collapsed onto the sofa, then heard Oakley shout from the kitchen.

"You kissed then, Yeah?! Ooooo Leah's first kiss was with a weirdo from Drama class, ewwww!"

"Shut up! He's actually a very good kisser for your information," I retaliated. They came in with a cup of coffee for us both.

"Cheers," I said and go to sit with them at the dining table.

"Bet you'd rather kiss Harry though wouldn't you"

Without thinking I blurted out,
"Yeah, 100 percen-" I covered my mouth as soon as I realised, "Shit.. no no-"
Oakley started lauging their head off,
"Mate, you said what you said. And there's no fucking way I'm going to forget that!"

I puckered out my bottom lip and then sipped my coffee.


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