Chapter 24

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*Harry's POV:*

She's my girlfriend. She said yes. I can't believe it. Maybe I can take back that I said I'd never have sex with her again...Anyway-

Leah just ended an interesting call with Oakley.

"So you wish you were ban-"

"Don't even think about it, Harold!"

I stifled a laugh at her response and shook my head.

"I was just kidding, Love- You alright?"

"Are we gonna tell them?" She looked at my with worry filling her eyes.

"Hey~" Luckily we were close to my house, after a couple of seconds I pull into my drive. I placed a hand on her inner thigh.

"Leah, don't worry yourself with having to tell people things. If you don't want anyone to know, alright, no one will know, same the other way around. If you just want me to tell people, I'll do that for you. All I want right now is for you to be comfortable in this relationship and if people knowing right now doesn't do that, then it won't happen. Alright?"
I gazed at her reassuringly and smiled. She slid her hand over the top of mine and nods.

"Yeah..." She grinned weakily then pecked my cheek.

"C'mon, I'll give you some clean clothes and we'll get to work, we won't be late,"

I clambered out of the car and jogged over to her side and let her out.

"You know what," I said as I interlock our fingers together walking to my front door, "Give Oakley a bell and tell them we'll be in work by break...or you will. Don't say anything about me. I'll email Lesley and tell her about me,"
She nodded in agreement.

Once we were inside, I saw Leah's eyes widen a little.

"You like it?"

"Y-yeah. Not to seem rude but how come you have like, such a nice car and house. It's really modern,"

I laughed at her question, "No, no. You're not being rude,"
I slid my arm over her shoulder, "Well my dad has her own company and my mums is- well was a lawyer so money wise with my parents I got pretty lucky,"

"Oh ok, what company does your dad have?"

I sort of left an awkward silence thinking about what I should say to her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Stop apologising, Babe, you're alright for wanting know things. Just a touchy subject that's all,"


"Right, make yourself comfortable and I'll go grab you something to wear,"

She nodded and ran to the kitchen, I walk upstairs.

*Leah's POV:*





"Hiya mate,"

"You alright,"

"Yeah, I've just got caught with something with my mum and I won't be able to make it into work working until my break, if you wouldn't mind letting your mam know,"

"Dont worry, babes, I've got your back but you owe me one,"

"Yeah, yeah, alright," Just a that moment, Harry came charging down the stairs and shouting my name.

"Leah are you with-" I just hung up. Tight, yes, but I can't risk them knowing I'm with Harry. It would just complicate things and god forbid an argument. What over? I don't know but I don't want one.

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