Chapter 36

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*Harry's POV:*

We all finished our coffee's and made sure Oakley didn't have a second, after that- that ... whatever that was.

"Well, we should probably get off, Haz," Leah turned to me, putting a hand on my knee.

"Urm, yeah.." I replied looking at the others, "its been really nice guys thank you,"

"See you soon, Love," Leah said, giving Oakley a hug as I shook Louis' hand, "dont drink any more coffee or you'll be hospitalised,"
I chuckled at her remark to Oakley and took her hand.

"C'mon then,"


*Leah's POV:*

He pulled up in front of my parents house and stared at it for a while, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel.

"Harry?" I asked, "should we go inside?"

"Yeah," he replied, quickly clambering out of the car.
We walked hand in hand to the door and I turned to him,

"It's gonna be alright, ok," I reassured him and opened the door.

"Hiya mum, we're here," I shouted through the house and heard Harry breathe deeply behind me.
My mum came rushing into the kitchen from the living room and gazed happily at Harry.

"Look at you!" She exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. "Let's have a hug then, Lovie," My mum said wrapping her arms around him. Harry chuckled and patted her back, hugging her.

"Hi.." He started nervously, looking at me. I nodded, "I'm Harry," He smiled at my mum and she beamed back at him.

"Ryan!" She shouted making me laugh, "Come meet 'Arry!"

"Can I not-" He yelled from upstairs grunting.

"Mad obsessed with football that one," My mum said to Harry.

"I'm coming, Love just wait a minute," My dad continued.

"Come on then, Harry, let's sit down. Leah put the kettle on, Love,"
I looked at Harry and rubbed his back comforting him. He smiled and walked off with my mum.

*Harry's POV:*

"Gosh, you're tall aren't you," Leah's mum stated as she led me through to the living room.

"Six foot one," I said to her.

"Bloody taller than her dad then," She replied, raising her brows. "So where you from then, Love," She asked.

"I'm from Manchester actually, I moved over to Leeds when I was little to urm-"
I trialed off finishing my sentence.

"Don't worry, Honey. You don't have to tell me everything," She said and rubbed my leg. I smiled gratefully, "I'm sorry about your mum as well, hate to be a bummer to bring it up but I'm sorry I couldn't pay my respects,"

"Thank you...don't worry about. It's a shame really," I started, "I didn't have the best relationship with my mum when I was in high school but my sister, Gemma, she did. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and tell my mum things she needed to hear,"

Leah's mum was almost blubbering when Leah walked in with two cups of tea.

"Bloody hell mum, crying already," She laughed.

"Sorry," Leah's mum chuckled.

"Claire!" Someone shouted from the stairs, making me jump. "Come here a second, Love,"

Then off she went towards the direction of the voice.

"You made her cry?" Leah whispered loudly, laughing. I got up and sat by her.

"I only bloody told her about my mum and she was a mess," I smiled.

"Sorry about that, Love," Claire addressed to me, "This is Ryan," She introduced me to Leah's dad. The part I was most nervous about.
I stood up and walked to him as he held out his hand, realising I was in fact taller than her dad; but knowing full we he'd put me on my arse if he had to.

"You alright, Mate," He greeted calmly.

"Yeah, my names Harry," I told him, "Nice to meet you," I smiled through my nerves.

"Right Harry, how'd you meet my wonderful daughter then,"
I turned back to Leah and her face screwed up a little as she cringed.

"Well dad, urm," She started, so I went hurrying to sit back down, "we knew eachother from High school but didn't really talk to one another. Then at the beginning of the year we had applied for the same job by chance and got to know eachother,"
God if I tried saying that I probably would've said something I'd regret.

Leah's dad sat by her mum and just then I heard another pair of feet shuffle down the stairs

"Oh god-" Leah muttered, "It's Luke,"

"Who the f- who's Luke?" I asked, trying not to swear infront of her parents.

"My brother," she cringed looking up at him.

"Who's this ugly fucker- ohhh," He said looking at me then his parents. "This is why you didn't want me here....right,"

I smiled awkwardly at him, which I wish I didn't do.

"Oh I know yoouu," He claimed, so I turned to Leah confused. "Your that dickhead from school,"

"Luke-" His mum and dad said simultaneously.

"No, no. Leah came home crying because of you, what are you-"

Claire and Ryan both turned to me,

"What's your last name?" Her dad asked. I was shitting myself, I knew exactly why he was asking too.
Liam was the only person that knew/figured out that Leah had caught my eye and one day he told me she was crying because of me.

"Tomlinson," I lied, "Leah had a best friend through school called Louis, I'm his cousin,"
Leah raised her eyebrows but nodding, probably thinking I hadn't the courage to lie.

"Right, Luke-" Ryan said walking out of the room with him, closing the door. Claire looked at me, sympathetically.

"Honey, I know your Harry Styles. Good job you lied though or you might have had your head kicked in just then. It doesn't matter though, I know many people in school who were just like you. Thought they were top bitch and that but turned out to be lawyers and doctors and stuff like that when they pulled a finger out." She whispered and winked at me as Ryan walked back in.

"Sorry about that," He said.


"It was so wonderful meeting you both, I cant wait to do this again sometime," Claire said to me while engulfed into a hug. Ryan shook my hand and told me to do good by Leah and always be there for her. I nodded to him before he charged back upstairs again.

"Sorry again about that prick," Claire laughed out, talking about Luke.

"Not a problem," I smiled, "thank you for today,"

Me and Leah left with a smile on both of our faces. I snaked my arms around Leah's body.

"You were right," I said to her, "so I'm sorry for the worrying I caused you,"

"It's fine Haz, I'm just glad this went well," She gazed at me before we both jumped back into the car a drove off home.

I don't want to be a let down but it's not gonna stay this nice for long. There hasn't been a problem for nearly 3 weeks which is now abnormal.

Something is gonna happen sooner or later.

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