Chapter 11

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*Oakley's POV:*

As soon as Louis asked that question, I knew Leah would react very unsettled, I just didn't know she would fuck off to the bathroom, but it was kind of understandable.

I laughed.

"Louis, it's not your fault she ran of it's just- just something bad happened last night." I informed him.

"Omg, I feel kinda bad now. If she don't mind me asking, what happened?" He asked, sounding really concerned.

"Well..." I stuttered at first, unsure wether I should even tell him. "Do you remember Harry, Harry Styles from High School,"

He thought for a second, "The kid Leah had an unhealthy crush on? Mhm,"

"Right- Well he works here," Louis' smile soon faded and his brows furrowed, "Last night he got fucking trollied and called me, asking for Leah's phone number and address..." He sighed in response.

" gave it to him. Didn't you?" He said, finishing my sentence for me. I looked down embarrassed and nodded.

"Long story short, he turned up to Leah's and urm..tried raping her,"
His eyes widened, "Before you say anything, I think he tried to. I haven't actually spoke to Leah about what happened. I just got to her flat, basically hammered her door down and saved her arse,"

He stifled out a small laugh.

"We should probably see if she's ok," He told me and I nodded in response and walked towards the bathroom door.

Time skip-

*Leah's POV:*

I sheepishly came walking out of the bathroom with Oakley to see a very concerned and pissed off Lou infront of me. He tangled his arms around me and rubbed my back, my head resting on his chest.

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea," His chest vibrated as he spoke. There was a strange but settling comfort about being in Lou's arms.

"No, I know. You don't have to apologise,"
I replied, pulling away from him, he nodded.

"Now we should probably get to work, I don't have a facking clue what I'm supposed to do," Lou chirppednlightening the mood. Me and Oakley let out a laugh and shown him about during the day.


When work finished, the lot of us are shattered and ready to go home, well I was. With barely any sleep a long shift isn't what you want.

"Do you wanna have a sleep over guys?" Oakley mentioned, Louis seemed to get really excited and agreed to the idea but I hung my head low almost nodding off. I felt a tug on my shoulders.

"Leah?" Louis asked, "You up for it?" I groaned and looked up at him, shaking my head,

"No, umm no. I'm absolutely shattered, I don't mean to be a bummer but I really don't wanna,"
The both of them seemed to understand and said they'll have one togther instead but reassured me nothing would happen between; as if I liked him or he liked me...

I pulled myself out of the chair I was sat in and dragged myself to my car, whilst a headache grew as I drove home.

Once I got theough my front door all I wanted to do is get changed and go to fucking sleep but I needed to eat as well. I trudged to my kitchen cuboards and rumaged through them, looking for some paracetamol. Once I found some, I took 2 and got into some pj's. Afterwards, I hopped in the shower for a quick wash while my pizza cooked in the oven.

Getting shower and cleaning myself up really improved my mood. Then I got out and there was a knock at my front door. I wasn't expecting anyone nor did I want anyone here.

"Hold on! I'll be there in a second!"

*Harry's POV:*

All day I was just thinking to myself how much of a proper dickhead I was last night. I've been beating myself up just knowing how clearly upset I made her.

Fuck sake, what do I do?
Assuming she probably blocked my number already there's no point in me messaging her. Literally no one from work has heard from me all day so there's no point in me trying to contact them either.

I do have her address though.
I sat in my bedroom, contemplating what I'd even say to her, considering me actually going to her flat.

I'm going to do it...

I decided to drive down to the local Asda and pick up some chocolate and sweets, also a card.
After I purchasing everything and writing out the card, I drove over to Leah's and left them by her door, that way I can avoid actually talking to her face to face.


I stood infront of her door, that had been fixed, and wondered if what I'm doing will actually change anything. I placed the sweets and stuff I bought her on the ground but keep the letter/card in my hand, rereading it.

Taking a deep breath and held my fist up to the door hanging my face low as I began to knock.
As soon as I hear a noise from inside I ran. Ran quickly over to the lift, praying I'd be gone by the time she opened the door.

*Leah's POV:*

After a few seconds, I opened my front door but nobody was there. I looked left, right and then finally to the ground. I smiled when I saw some of my favourite snacks laying there, but there was also a card.
Assuming it was from Oakley, I picked it up and took it out of it's envelope. The front read:

I'm Sorry, please forgive me.

I stared at it in confusion and opened it. It said:

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