Chapter 48

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*Leah's POV:*

"Tell me what?" I asked. I looked between Hellen and Harry, she nodded towards me, still looking ar Harry, and walked away.

"I'll tell you when we get home, ok,"
He took my hand and we both walked outside. My nerves bottled up, starting at my feet and slowly welling to my head.

The drive home was quiet. Neither of us really knew what to say to each other. Many questions flooded in my head. He's clearly told Hellen something that I don't know.
Maybe I shouldn't think so negatively, it could be something good.



"What's going on-" I started, walking into the living room but Harry came over and took my hand, instantly shutting me up.

"Please. Just don't be mad at me. Please."

I looked at him really confused, my eyebrows pulling together and my eyes squinting a little. He led me over to the sofa and sat sown beside.

He appeared to be really nervous and chewed to skin around his nails, his knee bouncing.


"Leah I- it" He huffed and let out a hefty sigh in attempt to control his breathing. "When Robin escaped from prison he started to send me messages, those weird calls I was getting were from him. I got Oakley involved because Robin asked me to meet him to do something but I didn't want to worry you by going out late at night. Things changed when he called once and it just got messy. Well, messier. Oakley said that we had to kill him... so no one else would get hurt. I told them not to because they'd be risking their life but they just did it anyway."
He spoke very quickly and it was a lot to process. Harry reached out for my hand but I pulled away from him.
My breathing was irregular and my stomach turned with unsettling, bizarre flutters.

"Harry you-"

"No- no, I didn't-"
He rocked back and forth and his eyes filled quickly with tears. His response clarified he knew what he'd done and literally kept it from me.
"Leah please-"

"Harry you ... no-" I stood up from being sat next to him and walked away from the living room. Deciding wether I was angry or upset was difficult.
He came walking briskly after me and attempted to hold my hand again.

"Harry no! Do you honestly expect me to just f-forgive you for that. You- this was all planned and-"

"Leah no, no I-"

I was to overwhelmed with information I struggled to process and couldn't form the right words.
Tears fell from Harry's eyes and he shook like a leaf with panick. As much as I wanted to reassure him and tell him everything is ok ... I couldn't. He got Oakley involved on his own accord. They didn't have to die.

"Harry you got Oakley involved, you- they didn't have to be there."

He again tried to touch my hand but I pushed him away.

"Harry do you honestly expect me to just pretend this isn't an accident! My best friend is going to be lowered into the ground weeks from now and- and you're one of the reasons why."

"What so you'd rather me be dead than them!"

I looked at him wide eyed and hesitated for a response.

"Oh-" He muttered, "really?" His voice cracked he gazed at me hopelessly.

"Neither of you would be dead in the first place if you had just called the police or-"

"What the fuck would they have done? Slapped his arse and put him in prison again when they know full well he can escape!"
His voice boomed and echoed through the house.

It's Complicated - H//SWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt