Chapter 5

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~~Time skip~~

*Leah's POV:*

Hopefully, Oakley has petrol today, it's a walk and a half getting to work; I messaged them.

Me: morning, sleep head. If ur up does wanna go grab a coffee before work.

I got myself ready a bit more and after about roughly five minutes she responded.

Oak💛: oh yeah, that would be well nice. I'll message you when I'm outside yours.

Good to know they haven't got their head up their arse. It'll soon change, wait and see.

I brushed my teeth quickly and sprayed myself with some deodorant before running out into the rain to hop in Oakley's car.

"It's fucking cold today, I'm so glad your car is up and running, mine should be fixed soon though don't worry,"
I informed Oakley, laughing a little while putting on my seatbelt.

"Let's go get some coffee then, I'm fucking shattered," Oakley laughed out,

"Woah..shocker," I slurred in sarcasm.

We ordered our usual and since we haven't enough time, we decided to sit in. I go find us some comfy seats while Oakley gathers our drinks and stuff. They came over,

"You know, yesterday," they spoke.

"Hm?" I replied, eagerly sipping my drink.

"What did you and Harry talk about,"

In embarrassment, I felt my face heat up.

"Not a lot, urm I think he was going to mention catching up with me but your mam walked in,"

"Oh ok,"

"Why...?" I questioned. I didn't even know they knew we spoke yesterday.

"Oh, when you left he look a little baffled and I don't know...flustered,"

I almost spat out my drink.
"Fuck sake, what did you do!" They have to be kidding me. I barely know the guy and he barely knows me, and what, he's all flustered after speaking to me. Fuck. Off.

"You heard me, I mean I may have influenced it but you know..."

"Oh, so you teased him into liking me essentially?" I spat. How could they, especially a total screw-up like him.

"No~ not at all," their voice full of cockiness and sarcasm,

In response, I just laughed in disgust at them. Honestly, I know I constantly complain about needed a guy in my life but sheesh.

~~Time skip~~

Apart from that oh-so-lovely conversation about Harry, the coffee was very nice.

We both walked into work pretty early, before everyone else anyway. Oakley followed me into the break room so we could put our belongings away.

Since I wasn't so happy about what she said to Harry, I decided to bring it up. Probably not a great idea.

"Did you have to say that to him, or just anything" I half yelled, clearly annoyed.

*Harry's POV:*

I arrived to work in a pretty good mood, well for a Tuesday morning anyway. I walked over by the break room to drop off my stuff but I heard shouts so I stood outside, totally not eavesdropping.

One girl yelled,

"You're such a dickhead, honestly" Sounding seriously pissed.

"Oh, so this is my fault,"

"Well I'm not the one that influenced a twat to begin liking me, am I?"
I now had a sneaky suspicion I know who these to people are, and what they're talking about.

One girl stuttered over her words,

"Leah, people- they change. How could you possibly know how much his life has changed these past 2 years. For god sake, there are two sides to every story. You're calling me a dickhead but have you heard yourself?!"

Wow ok...

"Oakley...I understand how much I complain and cry about being alone and single, but that doesn't mean...go talk to the guy that shagged nearly every god damn girl in that fucking school. He's a knobhead, Oakley! The sooner you get that into that little brain of yours you will understand why I hate him so much. He's a waste of time, ok? Yeah, I did like him in high school, hell I may have loved him at one point but like you just said people change-"

"OK!...ok, I get it... I'm sorry. I kinda just assumed you would've liked it if you knew a guy ended up blushing because I teased that he liked you. I don't fucking know if he does or not, I was just joking with him"

"Wait, Oakley, you-"

I really shouldn't have stood here listening to that...should I. Before I could walk away, I hear someone get up from a chair and come walking out.

"Oh, hey. Harry," They said, staring a the girl still in the room.

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