Chapter 54

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Out of respect for my best friend I've changed Oakley's pronouns and name to he/him and Oliver (Ollie); since the character is based off of him. Sorry if there's any confusion.

Thanks xxx

*Leah's PoV:*

"Listen to it." He told me.

"Why?" I laughed, "he's probably crying anyway, I won't be able to hear anything,"

I sat in the centre of my bed, legs crossed and staring at the voicemail left from Harry.

"Don't make me rant again I swear to god,"

"Ok, ok, jeez,"
My breathing became heavier and my heartbeat increased. I was almost too nervous to hear it.
My thumb circled over the play button hesitantly.

"Play the fucking voicemail, my god!"

1 new voicemail

Hi Leah ... umm
I walked through that park today.. the one where I asked you to be my girlfriend. May or may not have cried cause you weren't around.
And you'reprobablywithLouis who always made medoubt, he's so much better for you than me. He's everything I wasn't.

'Umm, I just- how could I ever love someone else? I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for anyone. I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone

I'm just guessing you didn't mean what you wrote in those texts about me cause you told me forever, now I wander hopelessly around what used to be our home.

I'm tired of telling myself how much I miss you, because Ollie will never know you the way that I do.

Baby, I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one.

I still see your face when I try to sleep at night, smell your perfume when I get dressed in the morning. I can't kiss your lips when I'm feeling down. I can't even drive past the places we used to go to.

I still fuckin' love you, baby.
I still hear your voice, your laughter at horrific dad jokes I told. God, I'm such a mess because I know we're through and I still fuckin' love you.

Please, baby. I'm sorry. Sorry for everything and anything I did wrong.

Come home.

I really didn't think I'd end up crying listening to that. And neither did Oliver because he was blubbering too. If I'd known I'd have definitely brought tissues.

"Call him, text him. Do something," He blurted out.

"What no! I can't," I spat.


"I don't know but I can't. I mean for a start it's like 2 am."

I wiped my eyes with my sleeves and lay down on the ruffled blankets; staring at the ceiling. my mind circled in thoughts about harry: he once again, willingly, poured his heart out to me and it just leave my mind how I felt the same. The man is the love of my life but I just keep persuading myself he isn't because something he did. In which was protecting me... that's all he idd and ever wanted to do.

"Wow," I muttered, glancing back at the phone.
I never changed the name of Harry's contact so it was still Haz❤️.

"Well, you can't do nothing! The lad just poured his heart out to yo hand you're gonna ignore it?"

"No. Yes, I don't know,"

"Gosh, If I was alive I'd be dragging your ass to his house asap."

"Well, you're not, are you? You're a ghost, so shut your trap and go haunt someone or something before I need a Priest."

"Oh, Louis needs a bit of a scare. What a good idea,"

And off he went.

*Louis PoV:*

Leah left a while ago and I sat on my sofa in shock. Why would she lash out like that?
I understand I wanted to you know.. have sex with her but that doesn't mean anything.

While deep in with my thoughts I noticed my lights were flickering in the kitchen and the temperature had dropped to nearly freezing.
I speculated and just switched the lights off and went to turn up the heating.
It started flickering again.

I furrowed my brows and shook my head; just turning it off and taking out the bulb.

When I got back to sit down the T.V was static and making a bizarre humming noise.

"There a problem, Wanker?" A voice said.

"What the fuck!" I screeched, jumping up and running to the stairs but before I got there a cupboard door opened and a frying pan came flying out from it.

"Hello?" I yelped, edging away from the kitchen.

"Forgive me ... how dare you to talk to my best friend like that," The voice said, still no person visible.
Just after the guy spoke a butcher knife was dragged across the kitchen counter.

As quickly could I grabbed my coat and lunged towards the front door.

"I don't think so," He tutted and the front door was locked.

"Where the fuck are- who the fuck are you?" I shouted, my voice shakey.

"Oh, you won't need to be knowing that, but you can know that I'll be the last voice you'll here for a while,"

*Harry's PoV:*

For the whole day, I was probably just staring at my phone, just waiting for her to call. I barely ate or drank anything.
Nothing could take my eyes away from the phone, I didn't want to miss a text or call so every time I got a notification my heart thudded with anticipation.

Awakening me from my trance, there was a knock at my front door. There wasn't a voice just a knock. I wasn't expecting visitors, especially at 2 in the morning, making this scarier than it would've been in the day time.

"Hello," I groaned, my voice croaky. There was no response.
I huffed and pulled myself from my couch and grabbed the first thing I saw I could use as a weapon.

I approached the front door slowly my heartbeat increasing rapidly as every second passed.

"Hello?" I shouted louder this time, but there was still silence.
My hand was shakey as I fiddled with the chain on the door, my knees felt like they could buckle any minute.

It felt like at least 10 minutes before I even opened the door.

I gasped and my eyes filled with tears abruptly.

"Hi, Harry,"

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