Chapter 6

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*Oakley's POV:*

What was she shouting at me for? I'm not necessarily in the wrong if I'm honest. If she wasn't such a bitch maybe she would realise that people do change. Especially people like Harry, they pull their head out their arse and notice what they're doing and sort it out. Leah hasn't done that yet. God, it sounds like I'm repeating myself but I don't see how I could be wrong about this.

I leave her to it anyway, she's got someone to apologise too.

*Leah's POV:*

You've got to be kidding me, he heard all of that...

I hung my head low, avoiding eye-contact as he walked in. This was going to be just as awkward as the first conversation. Fuck sake.

He dropped his bags down to put in the pin for his locker,

"So...the weather," he said in attempts to break the silence. I sort of laughed at his remark.
"Look, I get you probably don't like me but we work together. So please, let's kinda just pretend that never happened?"

"I'm sorry." I blurted out. "I shouldn't have said what I said, even if you were stood there or not,"

"Leah, it's fine,"

"But Harr-" I pled sympathetically,

"Leah." He growled, staring at me.

I slowly backed down and slouched back into a chair. I stayed quiet for the rest of the time he was in the room, casting my eyes over his every move.
Before long, he left, leaving me with my thoughts.

How could I have been so small-minded? What if he does like me and I've gone and said all that? I laugh in frustration. I stay sitting for a while, I mean what do I do now.
Lesley walked in,

"'Sup wi' your mush," she laughed "just bumped into Harry, he didn't seem to happy, everything ok?"

"I got in a bit of an argument," my eyes still focused on the ground, "I'll be fine though, don't worry" I look up her and kind of smile, she does the same.

"C'mon let's talk about it, I don't want it to affect your day." She pulled out a chair and sat in front of me. "What happened, Love"

"Well, you know Harry," I began. She nodded

"Oakley kind of did something and I overreacted. All they did was have a little joke with him, but God knows what he thinks of me now. The last few years of school he was known for the lad that did drugs and what have you,"

Lesley nodded in understanding,

"So you blurted it all out, and he happened to hear,"

"Well- yeah," I laughed.

"I mean there's not a lot I can do. Have you apologised to him, and Oakley?"

"Well Harry yeah, sort of, but Oakley left a few minutes ago. I think they're downstairs."

"Right, come let me if anything else bad happens, I'm always here to talk to. Now come one, let's get some work done." She pats my knee, so I stand up.

"OK, thank you," I hugged her, and she laughed,

"It's alright, Love, but if you don't mind me almost care a little too much about what people think about you... him especially,"

And with saying that, she left.

Well shit.

*Oakley's POV:*

I rummaged around downstairs, kicking a few things and overall not knowing what to do when I heard someone come walking downstairs. I turned to look and see who it is, to my surprise it's my mum.

"Had a word with Leah..." she informed me.

"So what's your point of view, hm? What happened?"

I paused before saying anything.

"She wouldn't listen!" I snapped, sternly. "She fucking overreacted, all I did was make a bloody joke with him and she turned it into something it wasn't supposed to be,"

"OK...ok I understand, it is annoying when people do that. She also gets that she overreacted,"

"Good," I mumbled. She had no right to do that though, it's not the end of the bloody world. She's the one that constantly comes to me complaining about getting attention from boys and as soon as I tell her she did, this happens.

//A: N

Sorry, this is a short chapter


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