Chapter 34

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*Leah's POV:*

"So what's happened with you and Harry then?" Oak asked while unboxing some candles.

"A lot," I informed them with a hefty sigh. I wasn't lying either. Lots had happened.

"It was his dad...we're pretty sure," I contiuned, "we got him arrested on the day of the funeral,"

"Fucking hell, really?"

"Yeah ... I told Harry not to worry because there was like no chance of him being there then low and behold," I stifle out a laugh before explaining further. "The guy completely wiped out Anne's bank accounts after he killed her, rocked up to her funeral-"
Oakley shakes their head.

"So..what? You flirted with the guy to lead him on or something?" They laughed, probably not serious even though that's exactly what happened.


"You didn't!" They began to howl with laughter,"you chat up an old man!" Oak shouted, pointing a finger at me.

"Not just that, afterwards, a tiny bloody police officer came over and was like 'miss can I have your number'" I imitated in a silly voice.

"Ooo, look at you getting all the guys," They teased and shoved me with their elbow.

"Didn't wake up that morning thinking I'd have to go to court any time soon,"
We contiuned to unpack boxes and stack candles, bath bombs e.t.c.


During my break, I went up to the break room to message Harry it wouldn't be long before I was home but there was a knock at the door.

"Come in ... you don't have to knock-" The person at the door walked through the door.

"Liam?" I shouted in surprise.

"Shhh!" He hushed me and walked over, but I stepped away from him and pulled out my phone, opening Harry's contact.

Me: Harry...

I sent quickly so it wasn't to obvious to Liam I was messaging somebody.

"Look, I just wanted to apologise for what I've done to you,"

"And you wanted to do that nearly a month after it- why?" I shot back at him.

Haz❤: what's up babe xx

Me: Liam's here-

"Who are you messaging?" He snapped and tried to take my phone.

"My mum!" I lied, "What am I not allowed to message my mum?"

"Not while I'm talking to you, no!"

Haz❤: I'm on my way

"Get off of me, Dickhead!" I spat at him as he attempted to take my arms, "I thought you wanted to apologise,"

"I did but you made it difficult," He smirked at me and reached for his pocket. I scrunched my face up and wriggled as much as I could to get away from him.
Just before I slipped out of his grip, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, it dispersed all down my arm. A few seconds later, I felt really dizzy and my vision became blurred, my hearing dwelled out. Then, I was completely out.

*Harry's POV:*

"Leah!" I shouted through the building. Oakley approached me.

"Woah, Haz, you ok-"

"Liams here, where's Leah," I informed them, they looked stunned and blinked a few times.

"Wha- urm, the break room,"

As soon as they said something and pulled them slightly with me up the stairs.
I chanted her name whilst charging up the stairs. Once I got to the break room I kicked down the door and to my horror, she lay on the ground completely unconscious.

"You," I growled at Liam as he took a few steps away from her.

"I just came in and she-" He panicked.

"Bullshit," I muttered, shoving him out of the way so I could get to Leah.

"Baby, can you hear me," I cooed slightly panicked. Using my hand to shake her awake, I continued to say her name.

"Liam what did you do?" I asked, like knowing would help at all.

"I urm-"


"Injected her with Propofol," He told me, "It doesn't keep her unconscious for to long,"

"Leah, can you hear me, Baby,"
I cradled her unconscious body in my arms and her face in my hands.
Her eyes began to flutter a little but stayed closed.

"Leah?" I said again, in hopes she could hear.

"Hmm," She grunted and rolled her head to the side, landing on my chest, "Harry?" She mumbled.

"Yes, Baby it's me," I smiled but shot a dirty look at Liam, "Call and ambulance, please," I said to Oakley, who nodded and walked out of the room, phone in hand.

"What happened?" She asked, trying to sit up.

"Stay layed down, Honey," I told her, unsure of the effects of the drug.

"Leah I'm-" Liam started,

"Don't wanna hear Liam," I huffed, keeping my eyes on Leah. Moving her hair out of her face, she stared up at me and smiled.

"What?" I grinned back.

"Nothing-" She said.

We began to here sirens so I asked Oakley if they could go downstairs to meet the paramedics and bring them up. Soon enough, wood panels were shifting and clattering as they came upstairs.

"Here she is," Oakley told the paramedics. A lass walked over to us and crouched to our level.

"Ok," Her latex gloved hands picked up Leah's left arm and examined it. "I assume this is we're she was injected?" She asked looked at me.

"I- I don't know you'd have to ask him-" I said to her pointing a Liam, who looked very guilty.

"Yeah, it was," He mumbled rubbing his forearm.

"Right then, can you sit up for me, Love," She asked Leah, helping her hold herself up.
Leah started trembling and sweating profusely.

"Ok, Honey. Dylan can you grab and oxygen mask and can you, Love, get her some water,"
I reluctantly let go of Leah and ran to get her some water.

Lesley walked over in a panick,

"Whats going on?"

"Ask Oakley, I- I don't know my-myself," I replied fumbling with the plastic cups ontop of the water cooler.


"So Propofol is given to induce anesthesia in surgical patients and to provide sedation for patients in the Intensive Care. It can be dangerous at times but luckily, Leah is going to be ok. I'd recommend her not returning to work for a least a few days. Memory loss of recent events may occur, just be aware and make sure she's alright," The paramedic informed us all, "As for you," She turned to Liam, "You'll be coming with us for questioning,"

I breathed out a sigh of relief and walked away from the ambulance, running back to Leah.

"Are you ok, Love," She asked me. I laugh in response,

"Nevermind about me, do you remember anything before you were out?"

"Not everything no. I do remember telling you Liam was here and like a stabbing pain in my shoulder," Leah told me.

"Don't go worrying about anything else but yourself right now," I began, sitting down beside her and placing my arm over he shoulders, carefully. "I'll go back to work and I'm sure Oakley will help me move some of your stuff into my house."
I reassured her, kissing the top of her head.

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