Chapter 52

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*Harry's PoV:*

I layed on back across the width of my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.
It had been a few a days after Leah had left and since my mind has been completely fuzzy. I've cried every last tear from my eyes and drank way too much alcohol; I couldn't stop myself.

My hands rested on my chest, encapsulating the one thing that meant the world. The one that changed everything, in a good way at first.

Leah's promise ring.

I would've walked through hell for her, to find another way to keep her in my life. I've completely shattered without her here and she doesn't even get it.
She did this for what? Louis? I'm gonna kill him. If he lays one finger on her ... again. He's done it once so heaven forbid he won't continue.

The thought of Leah being even kissed by anyone else drives me insane and Louis in the made me feel worse.

I shook my head and chucked the ring away from me. It hit the centre of the mirror of what was once Leah's dresser and shattered it.

"What are you doing?"
I jumped out of my skin and span around.

"Hello?" I finally spoke.

"Over here,"
Someone waved over at me from the corner of my eye.

"Oakley?" I whispered loudly, juttering my head forward in utter disbelief. "You're- you-"

"Mhm, I'm dead, I know. Jeez," They hissed.

"I- what,"
I rubbed my eyes and stumbled back a little. Assuming I had way too much to drink, I tried leaving the bedroom again.

"Woah, Woah. I think we should probably chat," They spoke again. "You're not going mad
... well seeing me your not, but other than you are going pretty mental,"

They gestured towards the bed again, so I sat.

"Leah hasn't done anything with Lou," Oakley said, "she kissed him but-"


"Once! Only once..."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Not them kissing is a good thing just that it only happened once.

"Harry, listen, first of all, you should probably care about yourself and get healthy, I mean look at you ... Second of all my best advice is to leave her alone, don't talk to her and if she talks to you go as far as ignoring her, make her miss you and I'll tell you how she feels if it's a good thing."

I sat there for a minute. How could I just not acknowledge her? Talk to her? She's all I've thought about for the past week and there isn't much else to do. To think about it. I've got literally no one to talk to. Liam is a prick, Lesley is ... also a prick, Oakley has no siblings. I guess I could talk to Gemma, she is a girl.

"Harry?" They said, pulling me back to reality. "Did you hear what I said?"

"What else am I supposed to do? Hm? Leah was the only good thing going on in my life and I'm not just gonna fuck off to a pub to get a blowie from a lass I don't know just to distract myself ... Leave me alone."
I stood up from the bed and stormed out of the room and downstairs. Once I got down a few steps, I started to feel sick, dizzy almost but just ignored it.

"Harry!" Oakley shouted. They're a fucking ghost, I'm fucking divisional talking to them.

Rummaging through every cabinet, there was nothing much but what I was mainly trying to find was alcohol. Drowning my problems with alcohol was the best thing I could think of which wasn't kicking Louis' teeth and taking Leah back home.


Waking up to kiss her and nobody being there is gut-wrenching and the smell of your perfume still stuck in the air. It's difficult.
Yesterday I thought I saw her shadow dancing around in this living room. When she got home from work and had a random burst of energy, she'd prance around the house in one of my shirts while I watched her in awe; just think that she'd be the mother of my children, the woman I'm with for the rest of my life.

It's funny how things never change within the space of a few seconds. Within the space of a sentence slipping from someone's lips.

I just wanted to ask her one more time if she was ok. Tell her that everything was going to be fine. Even though I knew full well she knew that already, she didn't need me to tell her because she felt it without me.

Wish I was there with her now.

She'll always be my number one. A whole lot more than good enough and I'd give everything I've got to gain every second lost

With her, I'm happy being me; I wouldn't have to pretend, because I didn't need to.
It feels like she's a thousand miles from home,

I'm just waiting for the day I finally get to say those two words ... and for her to say them back; I guess I just never saw this coming.
Nor did I ever want it to but good things don't last forever.


*Leah's PoV:*

"He's not ok, Leah," Oakley told me while I sat in the centre of Lou's bed.

"I figured he would be. He was in pieces when I took this-"
I went to look at my ring but it wasn't there, just staring at my ring finger was enough to bring a tear to my eye.
"I thought Harry would be the man I'd marry, along with everyone else it seems too. My mum, my dad, both of my brothers liked him too...
My mum and dad's dog, Diesel loved him. When we went over that time he wouldn't stay away from him and when we got Max it got even worse," I laughed through the pain.

"You can go back, Leah. Before it's too late,"
Oakley said softly.

"What do you mean by that, has he found someone else?"

"No, but you have ... see just by your reaction then. You would've gone fucking ballistic if Harry did this to you. Not forgiving you, running away with his best friend who made you insecure, not saying Louis makes Harry insecure but if cared in the slightest you would've spotted how angry Harry gets when you're around other guys."

"I did-"

"Not finished. Are you aware at all how eager Louis got because you and Harry broke up? He helped you, fucking hell you're living with the guy because all he wants is sex. You're here in tears just reminiscing about that happened not even a fucking month ago because all of a sudden it's over, and for why? Because I fucking died, big fucking deal. You know full well it wasn't his fault whatsoever, you those brain cells you have left to think. Your casket would be lowered into the ground next week because you would've been the one killed not me. So suck it up for god sake.
Harry is at home probably drinking himself into a coma because of what you have done."
They breathed a huge sigh of relief.
"Woah that felt good,"

I sat there staring at them baffled and trying to take in every word. They're not wrong. At all. I've been so selfish because I thought about me, and only me to be honest.

"Oakley I know you're right in saying I could have been killed but it doesn't change the fact that you were and Harry didn't stop it from it happening."

"How could he have fucking stopped it. Use your fucking brain you stupid bitch. Oh my god, I took my life to save both of yours, think about that for a minute. Harry was powerless. He had a gun to his head and you were there in panic even when you shouldn't have been there in the first place, so be fucking grateful at least one of us is still alive,"

I paused and there was a subtle silence.

"Oakley I'm-"

"You shouldn't be apologising to me,"

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