Chapter 51

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*Leah's POV:*

Me and Lou sat in the kitchen and I cleaned the bloody wounds on his face and sorted myself out.
He hissed in pain a few times while disinfecting them.

"I'm sorry, Lou," I whispered. Hanging my head low, "If I'd known he would-"

"Leah, you need to stop blaming yourself for everything, Love." He hummed, "There is no possible way that you could have known Harry would turn up here; nor is it your fault I look like this," He laughed a little.

"How is it not my fault you got beat up?"

"Because if Harry didn't do what he did in the first place we wouldn't be in this position,"
He reached over the table and delicately touched my hand. I looked up at him and he smiled.
"Stop beating yourself up because you think this is your fault. It's not and you know it's not. You're just a people-pleaser so if something happens you search for every reason you can to blame yourself ... this is Harry's fault. Not yours."

I looked at him for a few moments, processing what he'd told me.

"Yeah ... I guess you're right," I mumbled, leaning back into my chair further. My gaze rested on my hands, specifically the ring on my left hand. The ring Harry gave me in promise I'd be his forever.
Placing the flannel down in the table, I used my other hand to fiddle with it. Adjusting in to different angles but hesitant to take it off.
Taking it off would mean that I'd take back everything I said to him. I wouldn't be his. He wouldn't be mine. And frankly ... our relationship would be over. That's what I'm not ready for but with every minute that passed that moment became closer and closer.

"What you thinking about?" Lou asked. I looked up at him.

"Urm ... nothing. I'm gonna go to bed I think," I lied.

"Oh yeah, sure ok."
He glanced back at me. Expectantly again. As I walked away he reached for my hand. My attention turned back to him. He stood up and held his face close to mine, breathing heavier over my lips.
I smirked a little and inched that little bit further to connected our lips. This time I was more sure of myself. I was kissing Louis and I was completely fine with it.

"Night~" He hummed.


"What are you playing at?" Oakley said from the top of the stairs.

"Could ask you the same, Love,"

"I'm not the one snogging Louis though am I?"

"He'll fucking hear you if you're not careful,"

"Harry will beat Lou's arse again if you're not careful,"

I huffed, giving up and just trudged into the bedroom, thumping onto the bed. No doubt Louis is still stood in the kitchen smiling like an idiot and blushing till he looks like a tomato.

Ugh, this is all my fault. Not Harry's. If I had- I don't know. I mean it is ... sort of. In conclusion, it's Robin's fault entirely. There's just ifs and buts. If I didn't do this but actually did this instead.
My head almost melts completely.

"Leah, you know this isn't your fault,"
Oakley called out from behind me.

"How did you-"

"Let me speak ... Every situation will have different ways it could have planned out and unlucky for you, I ended up dead in a ditch. Look, you have to apologise to Harry-"

"What!" I whispered loudly, "I have to apologise?"

"Has Harry cheated on you?"
The tilted their head and quirked up an eyebrow.


"Has Harry been the biggest bitch on fucking planet Earth?"

"Fine. You make a point. I'm just not doing it yet, or for a while,"

"Leah he-"

"He came bursting through Louis' front fucking door and beat him black and blue. Not a prayer I'm going near him for a while."

"Right fine ok, at least do it eventually, yeah?"

"Never said I wouldn't,"

3 days later

*Leah's POV:*

"So you're off to Harry's today-" Louis started.

"Lou, I'm sorry but no one has heard from him in 3 three days so if you think I'm not worried you'd be very mistaken,"
My hands shook as I tied the laces on my shoes. Pacing around impatiently as I waited for my taxi.
My head was completely filled with how many thing could've happened in the 72ish hours no one had heard from him.

The taxi finally arrived and I clambered in quickly, telling the driver Harry's address as I fumbled about with the seatbelt.

"C'mon c'mon..." I muttered, watching the trees go by through the window. It felt like hours I was sat in that taxi because by the time I was at Harry's since I was genuinely sweating everywhere. From nerves or heat I don't know.

"Harry!" I knocked quickly on his door, panic in my voice. "Harry!" I shouted again.

There was no response for minutes. I tried the handle multiple times as if the door would just magically open eventually. Then when I actually used my brain, I remembered I had the house key in my pocket.

The horrid stench of alcohol slapped me in the face walking into the house.

"What are you doing here?"
He growled, bearly walking in a straight line towards me. His appearance was staggering.

His hair was greasy and his posture stayed slumped. The clothes he wore were mucky, like he hadn't changed for days, which would make sense.

"Harry you-"

"Answer my question please,"
As he approached the light a bit more, I could see the bags under his eyes. The fact his eyes remained bloodshot from the last time I'd seen him.

"To make sure you're ok..." I whimpered, "Harry just because we're-"

"We're what? Broken up? On a break? Leah ... what are we doing?"
His lips trembled as he continued to inch closer to me.

"I- I don't know but I urm ... I came to apologise,"
I gulped, looking down at my ring. My heart pounding faster as the silent moments past. The silent moments of my breathing pattern increasing in pace. I fiddled with the ring. There was no point in me overthinking this. If I do I'd be stood here for hours but if I didn't I'd be making the worst mistake of my life...

"Harry we- You.." I could barely even stutter words while pulling the ring from my finger.

" Leah-"
It was as if at the click of fingers he was sober again and came running over.
"Leah, please no. No."

I took one of his hands and held it out in front of me. Tears fell from my eyes uncontrollably and Harry was blubbering everywhere.
I placed the ring in his hand and closed his palm.

"Leah- No," He sobbed, trying to put the ring back on my finger.

"Harry stop. Stop." I mumbled, shaking my head and trying to push him away. "I'm sorry, Harry..."
I told him stepping away but he grabbed my wrist and held it tightly.


"You're not leaving ... no, no. You can't! You're staying with me and- and we'll be happy and-"
He broke off in tears and crumbled to his knees.
"No~" I heard him mumble.

It was like I couldn't even look at him without it feeling like my heart was being ripped from my chest. I'm fully aware I was doing this to us. Our relationship was over because of me. But I had no choice. I'm not just going to stay with someone I don't- I don't love anymore.

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