Chapter 49

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*Harry's POV:*

She left ... she fucking left. What if she doesn't come back? What am I supposed to do then?
I love that woman so fucking much and she just walked out the door. My life was finally completed and fulfilled because she found her way into it and now she's just gone. Probably forever.

My heart sinks with the thought the thought of her cheating on me. With that Levi boy or the first guy she sees who's more attractive and loaded then me.

"Fuck sake!" I shouted, kicking over a box by the front door.
I stumbled back in tears and fell onto the steps.
As I sobbed happy memories of us both flushed through me, making me feel so much worse.

"What do you mean you don't sing, that was good!" She tapped my arm with back of her hand.
There's no way she thinks that, honestly. I mean if she thinks I can sing maybe I'll write her a song for our anniversary.
I smiled at the thought.

"See, you so know you can sing," She mumbled and smirked. I gave a side-look and ignored the comment, knowing that's not what I was thinking about.

Wow... I thought about writing her a song for our anniversary. Which is in a couple of months now. Well, I'd hope. Leah could be out there right now doing anything. And I just don't know.

There's no point in phoning up and apologising because she isn't exactly wrong about what happened with Oakley.

I walked over by the kitchen and pulled myself a beer out of the fridge. Plonking myself on a bar stool and remembering the memories we've shared in this kitchen.

"I'm gonna fuck you, baby" I teased. My lips hovered over hers, my tounge slowly slithering over them.
She connected her lips with mine and sank her teeth into my bottom lip, tugging on it softly.
As if I couldn't fight the urge anymore; I lifted her legs up and wrapped them around my waist, then sat her down on the counter in the kitchen.

My lips curved into a smirk but soon back to a frown. We had great fucking sex don't get me wrong ... but it's just that fear. The fear I had the first time we did it. It might never happen again.

*Leah's POV:*

I keep telling myself how much I don't need Harry. Louis or Isac will come and save me, I don't need him. That's if he wasn't the one on the phone. I left with a good reason. Although leaving got me into this position, I don't need him.

Two girls came walking along, they looked about my age. I tried squerming and and calling for help but nothing seemed to get them to look over. As soon as Zayn told me to be quiet that's what caught their attention.

I kicked him and screamed as loud as I could and they soon came walking over.

"What the fuck?" I heard one of them mumble.

They bickered amoungst themselves and soon realised what was going on.

"Hey!" They both shouted, "Get away from her you cunt!"
Both of them came running over and started to pull Zayn off of me. Once they did get him away they turned to me quickly.

"Oh my god, are you alright,"

I didn't reply much. They tried helping me up and that's when I heard the screech of brakes on the tarmac and a car door slam.

Someone came rushing over to us and was shouting my name. Thank god.

"Is she alright?" Someone shouted at the girls but apologised for raising his voice.

"Yeah, urm I'm pretty sure she's been drugged or something. It seems like it anyway..."

There voices seemed to have faded out and I couldn't hear or see. I must have blacked out.


"Leah?" A voice cooed. My ears started ringing and my head was pounding.

"Harry?" I mumbled, not sure how I would feel if it was him or not.

"No Love, It's Louis," He said, stroking my hair, "I called you yesterday and I heard you shout Barnbow so I got there as quick as I could,"

I nodded a little and pulled myself up, hastily. Feeling around, I realised I was at Louis' place and in his bed.

"You feeling better, Love," He asked, calmly.

"Yeah, I guess, my heads pounding."
As soon ad the words left my mouth he scurried from the room quickly and came back with a glass of water and some paracetamol.

"Thank you," I smiled and he did back.
We gazed at eachother, maybe for a while longer than I'd like to admit.
I felt my face heat up and immediately looked away.

Then there they were. Again. Stood at the foot of the bed, looking at their nails and shaking their head.

"Told you it was a bad idea, now what are gou gonna do? Have sloppy, sad sex with Louis?"

I almost spat out the water I was sipping and started coughing. Luckily, Lou had left the room so he wouldn't be confused.

"What the fuck!" I whispered loudly.


It was later in the day and Lou had let me wear some of his clothes. All day we just ate crap and watched Disney movies.
By the evening , I'd laughed so much I nearly pissed myself and almost cried myself to sleep.
There was empty wrappers everywhere and empty pizza boxes.

"Leah?" Louis asked.


"Why aren't you with Harry?"

I put my down marshmallows onto the coffee table and turned to him.

"Well urm ... if you didn't know already. Oakley died last Sunday,"

"What! What do you-"

"Long story short, they were murdered by Harry's dad,"

Louis sat there in complete shock and nodded.

"I thought it was just something that happened but turns out Harry was behind it. He didn't mean to kill them or anything but he was part of the reason why it happened. We got into a massive fight and I just left the house."

His mouth was wide open and his hands covered most of his face.

"I'm so sorry- omg,"

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault was it."
I looked the ground and did my best not to get upset about it.

"Leah I-"

"There's nothing either of us can do so there's no point in saying anything to comfort me."

We both sighed and looked at eachother. I assumed it would've just been a quick glance at eachother bit it wasn't. He stared into my eyes longingly which ideally I wouldn't like but- I didn't mind it.

His face inched closer to mine slowly and mine did the same. I knew straight away whatever was going to happen would be bad but I chose not to stop myself.

I felt his hand travel up my thigh and everything told me to scream and run away but I didn't.
His face was a lot closer at this point. His breath was hot over my lips and my eyes lingered over his.
Louis moved that one inch closer and our lips touched. To be honest, I was shocked. I definitely didn't see this happening but I liked it.

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