Chapter 74

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*Harry's PoV:*

I was soon rushed through a pair of glass doors. Paperwhite lights screaming in my face and the noise of screaming throughout the unfamiliar building making my ears bleed.
Doctors tried strapping some mask to my face, clear silicone with green tubes falling from it, an oxygen mask. That's when I realised my breathing pattern was so irregular but it was all fuzzy with the thoughts of her being so overwhelming. The more I pushed away from the mask, the more frustrated the professionals became.

"Where is she?" I yelled above the noise, heaving the mass of pain my body was from the stretcher. "Where's Leah?"

"Sir, she's going to be fine, but we need you to put this mask on. You're struggling to breathe,"
Maybe it was her job, but she made it sound so believable that Leah was going to be okay. And even though I didn't believe what she was saying, I remained calm, nodding.
So, laying flat on my back she placed the cold breathing instrument on my face, allowing my shortened breaths to deepen.

Then I heard her name.

All became defiable. I ignored anything and everything, pulling myself up from the somewhat bed, trying to jump off. The pain I felt obliterated, all that was conscious was is she okay?

Her name was called too many times without a response to follow, worrying me. Too many things were worrying me all at once but if she- if she was to die was the biggest problem. Pheonix, her career, her parents. Me. At least she would be with Oliver. Right?

There she was. Paramedics wheeling her in, shining torches into her eyes, checking her pupils. Jabbing her with needles left, right and centre. Worst of all, the inevitable, they were checking her pulse.
My blood ran thin as I watched them press their fingers into the flesh of her neck, and the veins of her wrists.

"Leah!" I cried, my vision clouded by my own sadness.
The doctors tried to be patient with me, my screeches silencing the building, but they eventually managed to pin me to to the bed and keep me still. Strapping the oxygen mask to my face.

Leah's bed was positioned beside me yet she seemed so far away from me, people surrounding her.
"Leah..." I said for a final time, my eyes swimming in tears. I waved my arm around beyond the curtain covering my ward, attempting to manoeuvre the people blocking my view of her.

"She's in critical condition," One said, "we need to get her under fluids and check her vitals again." Another nodded and injected her with more abnormal liquids.

"No, no," I whimpered, my head thudding against the pillow. I felt hopeless until I saw her parents rush through the doors of the hospital. Claire had Phoenix in her arms, resting on her hip.

"Where's my girl?" She called out, "Harry!"
She came running over, leaving Ryan by the reception to speak with other doctors, seeming more collected, weirdly.

My anxiety was spiked, my breathing irregular again with the situation escalating.
I know little of what happened, making me feel worse. What if I had known there was a lorry there, they're big enough to see. Maybe if I wasn't so concentrated I could have prevented her from the critical condition she is in now.

"Harry, look at me," Claire soothed, holding my hand, "What happened, Love?" She tried asking but my lungs expanded and deflated with much speed, my heart palpitating at a faster pace, far from normal. I hyperventilated at the question and just pointed over in the direction of Leah as she was being driven away.

"I- She... there was..." I struggled.

"Ok, Harry, breathe Sweetheart, breathe," She told me, guiding me through deep breaths to hopefully help.

Ryan was a little out of place and was incredibly unsure of his surroundings, it was evident he hated hospitals as it stood and knowing that he didn't know where his daughter was... well he clearly couldn't even see straight let alone be thinking rationally. Luckily, a lovely looking lady had noticed and asked him a few questions before bringing him over.

More sirens were blaring outside, a small group of officers walked in. People with which I hadn't had a great past with, but now, I'm assuming, we will be on a similar page given the current happenings. They approached the front desk. A few words were exchanged and a point over to me and my soon-to-be mother in law.


I relaxed a whole lot more. My gash wounds were cleared around my face and body. some were even stitched. My anxiety wasn't great though. My head was spinning and as tired as I was, I couldn't sleep. Claire nor Ryan was in a great place either.
Whilst waiting for just something, I sat with Phoenix on my lap, my back against the wall now and my hands holding the small palms of my little boy. We waited in anticipation for news on Leah and with every "Where's Mummy?" I simply said, "Don't worry, Monkey, she'll be here soon,"

With every doctor or nurse that walked by, I sat a little straighter and stared until I knew they weren't heading for me.

"Mr Styles?" An officer spoke a few times before pulling me away from my endless sea of thoughts. My attention shifted to the woman in front of me.

"Yeah? Sorry," I wiped my forehead sweat-free and was prepared for any questions and/or news, at least I wanted to be. I found myself looking at Claire for reassurance and with a nod, paired with a smile, I received from her it would be ok. For now.

"Ok, sir, I'm going to have to ask you a few questions about the crash happening earlier today. Ok?"
I nodded and she continued.
"Well, could you tell me why you were driving today?"
I cleared my throat before speaking and helped Phoenix shimmy off of the bed to find a different toy.

"Urm, well, Leah and I had just dropped off our young one, Phoenix, at his nana and grandad's house before heading down to London. Leah had received a role in an upcoming series and the auditions are held in London tomorrow." I gave a small smile.

"Oh, congrats," The officer grinned," Ok, so. If you can, could you describe the events of the crash in as much detail as you can?"

My eyebrows furrowed trying to recollect the previous happens of now hours earlier.
"I was... well, I was driving. Down the dual carriageway just before that Tescos-" I tried to swallow the lump in my throat re-imagining the screams from Leah, along with how she looked after the collision. Taking a deep breath I continued.
"When I approached the roundabout there was a lorry-" I laughed cutting myself off, "it sounds rather silly now I say it out loud,"

"No. It doesn't, Mr Styles. Although lorries are on the larger side of a vehicle, when concentrating sometimes they're not so easy to distinguish." The officer reassured, with a smile.
I nodded.

"Well, that's kind of when it happened... Leah shouted, alerting me and tried steering us away from the truck." By this point, I was dazed and the only thoughts surrounding my brain was the cries of Leah; just hoping that I get to see her again, as extreme as it sounds. I mean for god sake our 'small' car was hit by a lorry, the passenger side had the most impact.

"I understand how difficult this must be for you, so I'm deeply sorry. My best wishes to your family, Sir. Thank you for your time."
I gave her a nod, a small smile before she left.

My chest deflated and I sighed to sadness from my eyes. The taps were turned and the faucets were my eyes.

"Harry," Claire breathed as she pulled me into a hug, holding my head against her shoulder. I wept into the crook of her neck, clinging my shaky hands onto her clothed back.

"I'm so scared, Claire," I whispered. Her grip tightened.

"I know, Harry. I know. But listen to me," She held my cheeks into her hands, her eyes were also watery. "Leah is going to be ok. She's gonna be alright, we all know it's hard to believe right now given where we are... She'll be okay, Harry."


Leah's parents had left with Phoenix for the night. They told me they'd return in the morning to hopefully receive news on Leah.

The doctors told me she's in Intensive Care. Her heart and breathing monitored. Apparently, she can't breathe on her own.
"When do I get to see her? I got less of the damage, I can walk fine just please, let me see her," Is what I told the doctor.

"We'll see what tomorrow brings,"

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