Chapter 68

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-Time skip-

*Harry's PoV:*

"You ready, Babe?" I exclaimed through the house.

"Yeah, Love. I'll be down in a sec," Leah shouted back. Today was our final scan for Pheonix, both of us nervous and excited at the same time. Just knowing it'll be less than 2 months we'll be arriving home with a new family member.
The nursery was finished finally yesterday. The walls painted and all furniture in place. Toys absolutely everywhere and drawers stacked full of adorable onesies and clothes. Everything was baby proofed. The cabinets, the doors and even a baby gate at bearly every door frame. Crazy that women but I love her for it, I mean I did tell her it'll be at least 2 years before he can walk but she was still so persistent to have everything we needed now.

Leah finally came waddling down the hall over to me.
"You ok, Duckie," I laughed.

"Oh, would you stop with that bloody name," She rolled her eyes but a smile visible.

"Oh Darlin', I wish I could but I love it," I returned, holding my hands on her tummy and gazing in her eyes. I let out a soft sigh, delicately gliding my thumb over her cheek.

"You ok?" She smiled which I replied with a nod. "Good,"
She hastily heaved herself onto her tiptoes to peck my lips before intertwining our fingers together and leading me out the door.

The drive to the hospital took a fair while because of the traffic but once it died down a little we were at the doctor's within minutes. Leah had gotten quite used to the busyness of the hospital waiting room even with the little visits we had. I assume she'd be terrified on the inside just knowing that in a few weeks she'll be screaming down the corridors in labour, terrified me too, to be honest.

"So final checkup now, Leah," Dr Williams smiled, flicking through sheets of paper.
Leah took my hand, gazing at me, worry in her eyes but a smile on her face.

"You alright," I mouthed and answered with a nod, turning back to the doctor.

"Yeah.. it is,"

"You got a name for the baby yet? You said you were having a gender reveal, how was it?"

"Oh it was great," She replied with more confidence, "I think we've settled on Pheonix for our baby's name,"
Dr Williams raised her brows and grinned.

"Interesting name, I like it,"
Leah looked a little smug with herself as she hoisted herself onto the bed with my assistance.

Overall, the visit was fine. Genuine chatter amongst us all, calming the both of us by a lot. Leah started ranting about her overall experience of being pregnant. Cravings, Braxton Hicks obviously, spotting? Which I didn't know about, I assumed that'd be something that worried her but apparently, it's quite normal. The baby kicking lots and how it kept her awake sometimes, again, that would've been helpful to know but we move.


"You know, it would have been quite useful to know about most of those things while they were happening," I told her, driving down the main road.

"I didn't want to worry you, Haz, sorry,"

"Hey, don't get upset about it, I'm just saying that's all,"

"I know, I know but,"

"Leah," I spoke more sternly, shutting her up. "I've told you before to stop stressing so don't. I know it's easier said than done but it has to stop. You start spiralling about things, your head ends up a mess." I reached over, grabbing her hand to hold against the gear stick.
"I love you, Babe," I smiled, glancing at her before back at the road.

"Love you too, Haz. Also after we've had Pheonix are we gonna focus on the wedding. I mean- actually, I think Pheonix should be able to walk by the time we get-"

"You're spiralling, Darlin'"

"I know," She huffed, "sorry,"

"Love, you're supposed to be the brains of this relationship yet you coop yourself up inside your head and end up a right state far more than I do,"

"Tell me about it," She laughed,

"There we go... I love that smile,"
I watched as her cheeks flushed pink and chuckled to myself, knowing the effect I had on her.

"Oh my days, Haz, you're so smug,"
I gasped as if to be offended.

"As if- I am not,"

"You keep telling yourself that, Babe, and see how far you get,"

"Drop the attitude," I snarled, pinning my brows together and tightening my grip on her hand.

"Or what, there's not much you can do if I'm completely honest," She snapped, laughing.

I smirked at her remark and my tongue glid over my teeth.

"We'll see who's laughing in a minute,"
I slammed onto the car breaks in front of the house, not giving the care to park it in the drive.
"Get out."

"Harry, what are-"


I shut the car door and charged over where she was stood.
Taking her face into my hands, her face flushed a deep crimson and her gaze cast to the ground.

"Look at me,"
Her eyes hesitated to meet mine at first but as I tensed my fingers against her jaw it wasn't long before she did.

"You better lose that fucking attitude, Sweetheart,"

"Or what... Dickhead," She spat, quirking up a brow and tilting her head to the side.

"I'll shove my cock so far down your throat you won't give me your backchat and if you decide to carry on afterwards..."
I looked to catch my neighbour staring so I leant into her ear to whisper,

"I'll blindfold you and tie you to the bed. Slowly taking off all of your clothes with my teeth and fingering you until you nearly cum, getting hard listening to your whines and whimpers muffled by my hand. Since we've got new neighbours, I think it'd be only decent if we weren't so loud. Then, if you take a look in the back seat you'll see what I'll do afterwards."
I saw her brows furrow and her hand fumbled for the car door handle. She pulled the door open and saw slot into the pocket of the seat was a Bluetooth vibrator. Her brows raised and she turned to me, her lips parted and pupils dilated.

"So what are you gonna do. Choose wisely, Sweetheart because if you think I'll play it soft you'd be heavily mistaken,"
I glared at her, waiting for some words from her, but nothing.
"Well, that changed your tune, didn't it. Not so excited to get mouthy now are you?"


After my conversation with Leah a good while ago she took it upon herself to keep her pretty little mouth shut. She kept her unnecessary attitude at bay with knowing what I had in mind. No eye-rolling, no swearing, no scoffing like the good little girl she is.

Well, that was until...

"Harry!" She shouted from the upstairs, in a sort of panic, worrying me a little. "Harry!"

"Yeah?" I replied, launching up the stairs to her aid. "Are you-"

"My water just broke."



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