Chapter 26

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*Leah's POV:*

When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw is Harry's room, making me confused. Not for long, when I realise Harry must have carried me to bed last night...but didn't get in with me.
I frown.
There was a piece of paper is left on his bed side table.
I think for second before picking it up because it could probably have literally nothing to do with me.
I decided to pick it up and see it's hand-written.

Hi, Baby. You're probably reading this when you wake up in the morning. So first of all, morning, Princess
I carried you to bed last night, no way I was leaving you on the bloody sofa. You've needed the rest, so I left you on your own, I'm sorry :(

I put all of your clothes in the bottom draw of my dresser so they're out of the way, and left out an outfit for you ontop of it.

Come downstairs when you're ready, Baby. Depending on what time your up, breakfast will be waiting.

See you soon xxxx

Awh, that boy is so sweet I swear to god.

I jumped off the bed and have a look at what Harry left out for me.
The baby-blue jumper I picked up, some black leggings too. Not bad, must know me well to not leave out anything fancy.


"Hiya, Darlin'" I heard, whilst I walking down the stairs, "You read my letter- guess you did,"
He noticed what I was wearing and smiled, walking over, sliding his arms around my waist.

"Hi~" I replied sleepy.
He rested his forehead on mine.

"Hi.." His eyes flickered to my lips, before planting a soft kiss on them.
"You want some breakfast?"
I nodded.
He took my hand and led me to the kitchen table, accompanied by a couple of pancakes on a plate, a bottle of golden syrup next to it.
I gave Harry a grateful smile and walked over.

"I'm starving, thank you," I laughed out.

Harry's phone began to ring, it said unknown.


"Yeah," He was over by the kettle.

"There's someone calling, umm... it says unknown though," I informed him, with my mouth full of pancake.

"Oh urm, ok...Pass it here,"
He walked over, looking just as confused as I was and answered the call.

"Hello?" He questioned, looking over at me.
He paused for a while then his face dropped and he took his eyes away from mine, staring at the ground, blankly.

He left the kitchen and walked into the living room. I furrowed my brows.

What the fuck...why did he- Is everything alright.

*Harry's POV:*

"Hello?" I answered the phone in utter confusion. I mean its not everyday you get a random phone call, maybe for some but not for me.

"Hello...Mr. Styles?"

"Yeah, urm, that's me,"

"I'm really sorry to report this to you, but your mother. Anne Twist. She- she died last night. Your sister, Gemma, found her in the bathroom. It's said she was killed. By who? We're not sure."

I couldn't make any words. My eyes seem to filled to the brim with tears so I left Leah in the kitchen and went to sit in the living room.

"I- What?"

"I'm really sorry, Sir. Come by the funeral home in Colton tomorrow, where there'll be more details."

"Yeah...yeah," I tried swallowing back the tears and not break down over the phone, "Thank you,"

"I'm sorry for your loss Sir, goodbye." The man said before hanging up the phone.

I sat on the sofa, and tears started to fall freely for my eyes. What..How?
I have so many questions...
But there's one thing I definitely do know.

My step-dad. He did it. I know he did. He was an evil man, all he did was use my mum for money and to some what have a roof over his head. And the money he stole was for drugs and alcohol

"Harry?" Leah spoke from the kitchen. I saw her make her way into the living room,
"Is everything-"

Before she could even finish her sentence, I got up from the sofa and hurled in tears over her shoulders. She didn't say anything after that, she just let me cry. Like I needed to be honest. Her arms rubbing up and down my back, comforting me.

"Haz," Her voice soft. Her fingers tangled into my hair, "What's happened?"

"M-my mum," I began. Her eyebrows raise and her lips part.
"She...she's dead, Leah. She's dead," I weeped.

"Harry," She cooed, cradling me in her arms, resting my head on her shoulder. "Harry, I'm so sorry."

I wrapped my arms around her whole body and kept her as close to me as possible. In that moment, all I could think is how grateful I am. How grateful I am that I have her, that she's alive. That she's right there whenever I need.
Embracing every moment and every part of her touch like it was the last I'd ever have it.


About 20 minutes later, me and Leah were cuddled up back in bed. Leah fiddling with my curls, while I'm being held in her arms.

"Babe?" She whispered, softly.

"Hm," I mumble back,

"You feeling a bit better now," She ruffled my hair a little and started to rub my shoulder, "Do you feel like talking?"

I feel it's best I should, so I sit up and lay on my side facing Leah.
Her hand slid against my face and wipes away any stray, dried tears on my face.

"This must be so hard for, Haz, I'm really sorry,"

"T-there's nothing for y-you to be sorry about,"


"Stop," I said softly to her, holding the her hand.

There's silence for a while. Comfortable silence.

"Haz? Can I tell you something,"


"I know we haven't been dating ages, even though the past couple of months have felt like forever, but I feel like I've felt this way for quite a bit now. Hopefully, you do to. Please, tell me if this is too soon, I mean it's not like I can stop my feelings but I'll understand if-"

"Babe, you're waffling. Is everything ok?"

She took a deep breath before continuing.

"I love you...Harry. Everything we have done together has really made me realise how much I've actually fallen for you. Its crazy to think how half a year ago, I fucking hated your guts but look where we are. Granted, we've had our upside downs, but everyone does and I mean we're in bed together. And friends don't look at eachother the way I catch you looking at me, so don't pretend like you don't. I love you, Harry....a lot"

She looked me deeply into the eyes, her jaw clenched in worry. She's right, that did come as a bit of a surprise...but I gazed. Gazed at her in awe, processing every single word that fell accidentally from her mouth.

"Sorry, I shouldn't hav-"

I kissed her stopping her mid sentence. Soon, I pulling myself on top of her and move my lips to her ear.

"I love you too, Baby. So much"


Update :)

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