Chapter 45

20 2 54

*Harry's POV:*


An hour to go. An hour of pretending everything is ok; for Leah's saftey. Oakley was right. Leah is sort of- completely oblivious. I highly doubt she has forgot about the calls and me being suspicious but she hasn't asked about it.

I sat on a stool in the kitchen while she rumaged through the freezer then cupboards trying to find something for us both to eat.

"Is there anything actually want, Haz?"

Staring into space, I didn't really hear her question.


"Yeah, sorry," I looked at her and she just frowned.

"Harry, What's going on?"
She walked over and stood between my legs. My hands folded into hers and she looked me deeply in the eyes.

"It's nothing," I sighed, breaking eye contact and looking to the ground.

"Hazza," She whispered, taking my face in her hands. "What's going on with you,"

"Nothing," I took her hands away from my face and held them. I saw the ring, on her left hand, glint in the moonlight. I smiled and played with the ring a little, "I promise."

A smile spread across her face and a small sparkle formed in her eye.

"I love you," She told me.

I let those words settle and almost melted every worry that I have.

"I love you too, Leah. So, so much,"
She rested her lips against mine subtly before resting her forehead against my own.


Unknown: I'm going to the graveyard now Harry. Set off in 5.

Me: Ok, I'll see you there.

"Babe!" I shouted to Leah in the kitchen, from the living room.


"Fancy taking Max out on a walk?"
I crossed my fingers in hopes of a yes.

"Urm yeah! Yeah, that'd be nice."

"Thank fuck," I muttered under my breath.

Leah had got Max sorted with his harness and lead before she got herself sorted.
She wore her long, trench coat with one of my plain black T's underneath.
Not going to lie, she looked really cute. Her her done up in a messy bun and no makeup.
I smiled at her but it soon turned to a frown.
I knew what could end up of this night and she didn't, which scared the life out of me.

Me: setting off

20:22 the time read.

We walked hand in hand with Max ahead of us.
I kept back tears knowing the both if us were sort of walking into a death trap.
Finally, we walked by the graveyard and I stop for a moment and stare beyond all of the head stones.
My mum is in there and it's all because of my dad.
When I thought about it like that I assumed I was going to be really angry but I wasn't. I could've just collapsed right there and then.
I couldn't though.

*Oakley POV:*

I would arrive at that ally in just moments. It was then my life almost flashed before my eyes.
Memories from my early childhood played in my head.

My childhood was one if the reasons I found me and Harry were quite similar. I just- sort of had it worse than him because for him, it was his mum. But for me, I was the one being traumatised. Don't get me wrong it must have been torcher for Harry to see his mother in the postion she was but-

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