Chapter 13

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*Leah's POV:*

"Harry..." I sighed over the phone.

"Leah-" He sounded sort of releaved.

I can't believe I'm about to do this.

"I-Harry... You-" I stuggled to speak, choking on tears. "I don't think...I-I can urm...f-forgive you,"
I cringed, waiting for a response,

"Leah ... I-"

"Harry I'm sorry, you have helped me understand people change ... you really have but- but I don't know if that can make me understand why you chose to do what you did. I'm sorry, goodbye."

As soon as I put down the phone, tears fell from my eyes uncontrolably. I sobbed into my hands, wondering exactly why I'm so upset. I mean what he did was god awful, but am I doing right by pushing him away. Yes. Yes I am.


After crying for a while, I pulled myself togther a bit more and decided to tell Oakley about my decision. They messgaged me asking what I did and how it went.

I called them:




"Hey babes, how did it go,"

"Well, I erm," I kept myself from getting upset ... again, "I didn't forgive him, what he did to me was god awful wether he was drunk or not he shouldn't have done it." I sounded more sure of my choice.

"Oh, well whatever you would've chose to do Louis and I would always have your back," They reassured.

I heard Louis reply.

"They're right, Leah. What you did must have been so hard and I get that. I'm so proud of you. Although this probably won't help whatsoever, you guys would look so fucking cute together." He's right ... about the first part, the second part I didn't want to know but it gets even worse.

"Innit, they'd be so cute." Oakley mumbled, but still loud enough to hear, "Anyways love, I have to get off, Cedric is about to die so imma goo cry like a little bitch,"

I laughed a little, "Ok ... thanks for- the advice? See ya,"

Wow, that helped. So much. Just told both of my best friends I got rid of him (my almost fucking rapist) and they both reply saying we'd make a good couple.

Fuck. off.

The next few days at work were obviously awkward. Harry decided to come back so now every time I even walk past him I'd cringe, nevermind when we have to pretend we're fucking besties in front of Lesley.
Overall, maybe what I did wasn't the brightest idea I've ever had but it kept him away from me, kinda, someone of which tried raping me.

Also, if my dad found out, Harry would be a dead man. Not only does my dad not even want me to loose my fucking virginity in the first place, but if it was taken by rape- he wouldn't be a happy man. Then there's my brothers, who of which would also be involved, maybe I should probably tell someone about it eventually, but for now I should probably keep it to myself. My mum though...she would probably constantly tell me he's really hot (which he is) because she would never in a million years find out. If she did she would never let me have a relationship ever again.

*Harry's POV:*

After she called me those few days ago, I'm not going to lie, I really haven't been the same. Sure I've gone 2 years without seeing her but then like nearly a month after working with her I've changed so much. And that change is due to me being around her. Although, she is very weird when people aren't watching (only her best friends) but when she's around others, she is so wise and smart with the humor to match. Her attitude to most things is incredibly infectious so even just her being in a good mood affects everyone else too.

The whole thing has just been a mess to be honest. What's funny though is that this all started with Oakley (you know the only person who hasn't been exactly 'blamed' for this but it's been me) and how they made a simple joke...but was it simple? Ugh! Well, if it was just a simple joke both me and Leah exagerated it...but for why.

Every time we crossed paths at work it's been like torture. Like it's just so fucking awkard, especially with Lesley. Although all this is happening, I don't want to quit my job. It would prove I'm a massive dickhead to Leah (which I really don't want) and I would probably end up going downhill again; wanting to just drown in alcohol because I apperantly have nothing better to do.

*Oakley's POV:*

Seeing those two through the day during work is like a bad fucking dream. Leah does sometimes make it look really dramatic but that's what she does. Whereas Harry ... well sometimes he genuinely looks hurt. I mean he didn't get forgiven for something he could actually admit to. In school, if he was blamed for something he'd try to do anything he could to get out of trouble, meaning he was never bothered, this is why I can tell he has changed so much. He actually put himself out there and freaking apologised. Leah claims to understand, but honestly I don't think she does. Whenever I bring it up she just buries her head in her phone and pretends she never heard me, very annoying.

There must be a reason she didn't forgive him though. Maybe she wanted to but couldn't bring herself to do it because of other peoples opinions' but no one fucking knows about it anyway. Or you know, the obvious.
Those two would genuinly make such a cute couple as well, it's a shame she can't see that the way Louis and I do, Isac does too. Clearly, he doesn't approve of what he did to her but Harry is a hottie and isn't a fuckboy anymore.

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