Triple Date

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Previous chapter summary:
Kaitlyn and Demi got a visit from their gay best friend, Stevie. Then ashton surprised kaitlyn and she told him about the twins.


Kaitlyn's POV:

I had this great idea. Me and my best friends and our boyfriends are going to go on a triple date. Me and ashton, Demi and Jackson, and Stevie and Jacob.

Ashton offered going to a fancy restaurant. But with my humongous stomach I can't fit into anything nice. So we decided on a pizza parlor about 10 minutes away from mine and Demi's apartment.


We drove to the pizza place and sat at our tables. "So...when did you guys meet?" I said directing my question toward Stevie and Jacob." "We met at an improv class" Jacob said very excitedly. "Yeah, remember when I told you about the improv class I was thinking of taking?" Stevie said with a pause as me and demi nodded. "I met my boo thang there." He finished grabbing Jacobs hand. Ashton slightly chuckled.

"What about you guys?" Stevie asked me and ashton. "My brother introduced us." I said but ashton interrupted me, "let's just say- I was a hot mess." The boys and demi laughed. "Yeah you were. You looked like a wet dog." I said and laughed. Ashton jokingly frowned and slumped down in the chair.

"So me and Jackson met school. Nothing interesting but I felt left out." Demi said laughing. We all laughed as well.

The rest of the night we laughed and talked and ate pizza. Well I only had one slice of pizza and some salad.

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