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"Mikey! Mikey! Michael Gordon Clifford!" Kaitlyn was yelling for michael to stop walking away from her and just listen to what she has to say. Michael slowly turned around when she said his full name. "Never. Ever. Not in a billion years, ever call me by my full name" he. Said walking toward her. He was obviously pissed off.

"Just listen. I don't care what you say, I fell in love with your bands drummer. You are going to need to deal with that. Even if you send me back to Australia, ashton and I will still date. We can skype and facetime and call everyday. So I don't understand why you're so pissed off at Ashton. I love him"

Michael stayed quiet. He just glanced at the floor for a couple minutes. Kaitlyn stayed quiet as well because she knew he was thinking about it. "If I do let you guys....go out. You need to promise me that you will love me like a brother just as much as you love ashton as a...boyfriend" Kaitlyn smiled. "I always have loved you. I will never stop." Kaitlyn said as she went in to hug her brother. He squeezed her tight.

"I guess...its...ok..if you and Ashton date" he said slowly trying to spit out his words. "Really?" Her face lit up. "No naughty business, if you know what I mean" Kaitlyn laughed. "I'm gonna go tell ashton"

End up here- an Ashton Irwin fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now